Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Hans Pedersen Myhre

Hans Pedersen Myhre

Mand ca. 1500 - eft. 1543  (> 44 år)

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  • Navn Hans Pedersen Myhre 
    Fødsel ca. 1500  6. vgd. Klinteby, Ibsker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1
    Køn Mand 
    Ane-nr. Ane 15.17949 (Sommer) 
    Ane-nr. Ane 15.26729 (Garde) 
    Død eft. 1543  9. vgd. Store Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1
    Person-ID I642  anebasen
    Sidst ændret 5 sep. 2024 

    Far Peder Hansen Splid Myhre,   f. før 1463 
    Mor NN Hansdatter Myre,   f. ca. 1480, Prgd. Store Myregård, Åker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1490, 6. vgd. Klinteby, Ibsker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 11 år) 
    Ægteskab før 1489 
    Familie-ID F208  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie NN Poulsdatter,   f. ca. 1490, 9. vgd. Store Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1537, 9. vgd. Store Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 48 år) 
    Ægteskab ca. 1524 
    +1. Peder Hansen,   f. ca. 1525, 9. vgd. Store Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1581, Prgd. Vellensgård, Nyker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 57 år)
    +2. Mette Hansdatter,   f. ca. 1530, 47. sgd. Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1555, Bornholm Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 26 år)
     3. ??? Hansdatter,   f. før 1540, 47. sgd. Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. UNKNOWN, Bornholm Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
     4. Bendt Hansen,   f. før 1540, 47. sgd. Bjergegård, Vestermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1585, Vellensgård, Nyker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 45 år)
    Familie-ID F1617  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 10 sep. 2024 

  • Notater 
    • Note(kopieret juli 2019 fra Norman Lee Madsens database)

      Sigvard Mahler Dam's theory on the family connections of what he has named "The Bjergegaard Family" is based largely on a reinterpretation of the so called "Hummerklo" arms. According to Sigvard the "Hummerklo" is actually a "Geddekæft" (pike's jawbone), a symbol of speed - as knights used to fasten a pike's jawbone into the nostrils (næsebor) of their horses, making them run fast and wild.

      Jørgen Gagge and his wife Margrethe/Merete Pedersdatter had a memorial made in 1601 to honour her parents: Peder Hansen (Uf) and "Mette Hans Pedersens Datter". This was in the from of a large church bell for Klemensker Church, which later disappeared - probably melted down for its metal. Laurids de Thurah reports (in "Omstændelig og tilforladelig Beskrivelse over Bornholm og Christiansøe", 1756 - he was an official on Bornholm) that the bell displayed two arms: one with a "Gavlsparre" (chevron), the other with what he called a "Giedde Kieften". The Uf-family arms displayed a chevron. This would seem to indicate that Mette Hansdatter's father Hans Pedersen's arms displayed a "Geddekæft" (pike's jawbone)!

      Another instance of the "Geddekæft" can be found in Julius Bidstrup's book on the "Familien Koefoed - B", in which he writes that by the altar of the now demolished Østermarie Church there was a gravestone with three copper plates (which no longer exist) for Peder Kofoed (died 1616) and his two wives. The first with the initials "P.K.", for Peder Kofoed, which depicted his arms, the hoof or "foot" of a cow ("foden af en kue" or "et koben"). The second plate is engraved "E.H.G.D." for: Elsebeth Henning Gagge's Daughter; her arms depicts a half mill-wheel (halv kaggehjul) and a chevron (sparre). The third is engraved "I.P.H.D." for: Inger Peder Hansen's Daughter; her arms depicts what he stated looked like a "kindben" (cheek-bone). This tells us that Inger can not be either the daughter of Peder Hansen (Myre) of Fuglesangsgård, 6' Vdg. Ibsker parish (whose arms depicts 3 ants), or the daughter of Peder Hansen (Uf) of Simlegård in Klemensker parish (whose arms displays a chevron). Sigvard Mahler Dam believes that this so called "Kindben" is identical to the "Geddekæft" (pike's jawbone) arms of "Mette Hans Pedersens Datter".

      Mette Hansdatter's husband Peder Hansen Uf (died 1596) owned a number of the Myre-family farms, including Fuglsangsgård (later known as Gaggegård, still later as: I Klinteby), 6' Vdg. in Ibsker. For several generations Fuglsangsgård had been a Myre-family farm; first known to have been owned by Truid Myre (died circa 1489). It has been assumed that Mette Hansdatter inherited the family farms of two brothers from the Bornholmer Myre-family (Peder and Truid), which would seem to point to Mette being a close relative. As a result some have concluded that she is their sister, and thus daughter of Hans Pedersen Myre of Fuglsangsgård, 6' Vdg. Ibsker. However, as has been stated above the Myre-family arms depicted 3 ants.

      Dr. M.K. Zarthmann, in the 1930s, wrote: "Jørgen Gagge gave a beautifulmemorial in honour of his parents-in-law Peder Hansen Uf and MetteHansdatter, because in 1601 he had cast a large church bell, embossedwith the Uf-family's chevron-emblem and the Myre-family's crawling ant."Zarthmann made the change from Thurah's "Giedde Kieften" to that of one(1) crawling ant! Possibly because he was believed that Mette Hansdatterwas the daughter of Hans Pedersen Myre?

      According to Sigvard Mahler Dam's article "De bornholmske væbnerslægterUf og Splid - noget nyt om deres våbener" (published in HeraldiskTidsskrift, 1982), Peder Hansen Uf and his wife Mette Hansdatter donateda pew to Saint Clement's Church. In a journal, a description of thedonation reads "Clement's Church: door to pew, carved oak framed withsmooth fir planks - showing helmeted arms with vesselhorn and thefollowing markings: a shield with an upside down "Gavlsparre" (chevron)design, and the other shield sporting a "halv Hummerklo" (half lobsterclaw), Chief Justice Peder Hansen Uf and wife Margrethe Hansdatter. Thedoor was painted green, the arms and the door frame painted red andwhite. Height 84 centimeters, length 56 centimeters. . ."

      Zarthmann never did see the bell for himself, so we must look to Thurah'smuch earlier, and impartial, account of the (no longer existing) bell,and conclude that the set of arms on the pew door, described as a "halvHummerklo" (which can be seen on the pew door to this very day), isidentical to Thurah's "Giedde Kieften" on the Klemensker bell.

      In "Landsdommer-Patriciatet på Bornholm", part 2 (published in SAXO,1988), Sigvard states that Hans Pedersen (-1537-1543-) of Bjergegård, 9'Vdg. Vestermarie, is the brother of Laurids Pedersen (died circa 1550?),who was chief justice (Landsdommer) of Bornholm between 1537 and 1545.

      At the "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men namedas being in attendance: 1. Jacob Iversen, Landsdommer; 2. Mester Peder W(= Peder [Mogensen] Uf); the brothers 3. Peder Hansen; and 4. BentHansen; 5. Jørgen Pedersen; 6. Peder (Madsen) Kofoed; 7. Oluf Madsen; 8.Oluf Bagge; 9. Hans Mogensen, as he was away at the king's court he wasrepresented by his father Mogens Hansen; 10. Peder (Hansen) Myre; 11.Jørgen Gagge; 12. Berent Hansen (= Berild Hansen); 13. Laurids Pedersen;14. Jens (Madsen) Kofoed; 15. Christen (Clausen) Kiøller; 16. PederHansen (Uf); and 17. Hans (Madsen) Kofoed. Three advisers to the DanishParliment (Rigsråder) had been sent to preside over the meeting, namely:Biørn Kaas of Starupgaard, Biørn Andersen of Stenholt, and Jørgen Marsvinof Dybæk. The group expressed heartfelt and solemn words about faithfulservice to the crown; and it seems they had an inkling of things to come,and therefore begged the King not to let himself be "seduced" by Lübeck'srepresentative Sveder Ketting, "because you might expect that Lübeck onlyplotted to keep our island under their yoke." This was during the periodin which Bornholm was strongly under the influence (and rulership) of theHanseatic League free-city of Lübeck; the Bornholmers felt greatly putupon by the high taxes, unfair rules, and high-handedness of theLübeckers. Contrary to the opinion of latter historians they must haveconvinced the envoys, as on the 9th of September the freemen were grantedthe right to gather shipwrecks from the beaches, hunt in the woods, aswell as given full authority over their servants - a great victory forthe freemen.

      In Sigvard's article "Over hals og hoved" (SAXO, 1991) he mentions thatthe wife of Truid Myre (died 1574), of Myregård i Olsker parish, is saidto have had a arms (våben) that looked like a half-bow with severalspikes (en halvbue med nogle spidser), also with a helmet withvesselhorns; this is could very easily be a description of the pike'sjawbone (lobster claw) arms.

      Sigvard makes the conclusion that Inger's father Peder Hansen isidentical to the Peder Hansen (-1565-1581-) of Vellensgård, Nykerparish. He states that Peder Hansen of Vellensgård is the brother ofBendt Hansen (-1565-1572-), of Eskesgård in Pedersker parish, who alsomay have owned a farm at Kysten in Ibsker parish. Bendt is recorded ashaving taken possession of a shipwreck off Ibsker's coast, somethingallowed for a nobleman, but the king only recognized him as a freeman,and thus was summoned on November 26, 1565 to appear before the"Herredagen" (High Court) in København. This also lead to the conclusionthat Mette Hansdatter is the sister of Bendt Hansen and Peder Hansen.And that they are the children of a Hans Pedersen who had a "Geddekæft"arms. (Again, this has led some to come to the conclusion that they areall the children of Hans Pedersen Myre of Fuglsangsgård, 6' Vdg. Ibsker.However, again, Hans Pedersen Myre's arms depicted 3 black ants.) Itmust also be noted here that the gravestone of Truid Hansen Myre's wifein Olsker display's the "Geddekæft" image; so she is likely the sister ofLaurids Pedersen and Hans Pedersen, and as such was the aunt of MetteHansdatter! Yet another close family connection for Peder Hansen Uf andMette Hansdatter to the Myre-family!

      The following has been extracted from a translation of the article"Landet Borringholm: Bornholmsk-skånske slægtskredse", by Sigvard MahlerDam, published in SAXO, 1986: ". . . the case was put before the"Landsting" (provincial congress) in Åkirkeby on May 22, 1522. Thedetails were discussed, witnesses were heard, and finally a document wasdrawn up and sealed by the most important officials on Bornholm: 1) theCommander of Hammershus, Niels Ibsen; 2) Jørgen Hals' step-brother ChiefJustice Oluf Ottesen (Uf); 3) Jørgen Gagge, who had been made a freeman20 years previously and was an illegitimate born member of theGagge-family of Skåne; 4) Hans Borgeby of Bjerregård; 5) Anders Kos inIbsker parish (of Kåsegård); 6) and the immigrant from Lübeck, PederKofoed, 7) and Morten Lassen, both mayors in Rønne; 8) Lauritz Jul froman old an distinguished family and a bailiff in Østermarie parish; 9)Hans Pedersen from the same parish, who later married Jørgen Hals'sdaughter; 10) and finally the document was signed by the bailiff for Åkerparish, Peder Munck."

      (Note: Sigvard seems to have either changed his mind, or miss statedhimself, regarding the above Hans Pedersen (nr. 9) of Østermarie parish -his later writing show that he believes Hans Pedersen to be the same manwho later married the daughter of Anne Hals - the sister of Jørgen Hals -and Poul Olsen of Bjergegård.)

      So based on the writtings of Sigvard Mahler Dam, we have a number ofpeople who would seem to be connected to the "Geddekæft" arms in themid-1500s: 1) Peder Kofoed's wife "Inger Peder Hansens Datter"(-1585-1600-); 2) Jørgen Pedersen (died 1588) of Vellensgård in Nykerparish; 3) Laurids Pedersen (-1572-1581-), of Eskesgård in Pederskerparish; 4) Peder Hansen Uf's wife "Mette Hans Pedersens Datter"(-1554?-1574?-); 5) Peder Hansen (-1572-1581-) of Vellensgård in Nykerparish; 6) Bendt Hansen (-1572-), of Eskesgård in Pedersker parish; 7)Chief Justice Laurids Pedersen (-1537-1550-); and 8) Hans Pedersen(-1522?-1537-) of Bjergegård, 9' Vdg. Vestermarie; 9) the wife of TruidHansen Myre (died 1574) of Store Myregård, 5' Vdg. Olsker.

      Little is known about Hans Pedersen's parents. Like Hans Pedersen, andbrother Laurids Pedersen, their father Peder probably had the "Geddekæft"arms, and would not have been a member of the Myre-family. An additionalfamily connection could have come through the wife of Truid Hansen Myre -the couple died childless; the couple's gravestone in the Olsker Churchshows the 3 ants of the Myre arms, and the geddekæft/hummerklo arms ofthe Bjergegaard-family. Sigvard speculates that she is the daughter ofHans Pedersen (-1537-1543-) of Bjergegård, 9' Vdg. Vestermarie. Thisprovides us with an opening to speculate on the reason for MetteHansdatter and Peder Hansen Uf obtaining the Myre-family's farms:possibly Mette's father's mother is the daughter of Hans (Pedersen) Myre(mentioned in 1518, dead by 1531) of Fuglsangsgård? And as a result sheand her husband were in line to inherit the farms?

      So, in conclusion, the evidence that Inger Pedersdatter, Jørgen Pedersen,and Laurids Pedersen are the children of Peder Hansen of Vellensgård, andthat Peder Hansen, Mette Hansdatter, and Bendt Hansen are the children ofHans Pedersen of Bjergegård - brother of Chief Justice Laurids Pedersen,is very circumstantial - but it is the best theory I have seen so far!Sigvard Mahler Dam refers to this family as the "Bjergegaard-Family",because of their association with the farm of that name: Bjergegård (akaBjerregaard), 9' Vdg. Vestermarie parish.

      - Norman Lee Madsen, April 5, 2003.

      Extracted from the artictle "Landsdommer-Patriciatet på Bornholm", part2, by Sigvard Mahler Dam, published in SAXO, 1988:
      There was need for a new chief justice (in 1537) after two previousunfortunate experiences (which the Lübeckers had with Jens Hansen Myreand Mogens Uf), it can be expect thtat the Lübeckers got a legaljugdement compeling the Danish king to make a particular appoint. In anycase there is good reason to interpret that the choosen mand was on goodterms with Lübeck. Now begins politics as his family's legacy!Lübeckers supported his family on Bornholm; the king supported his exiledopponents on Herredagen (the court of appeal to the king). The chiefjustice had one brother, Hans Pedersen, whose wife's mother (to whom hewas guardian), Anne, disputed over Myregård in Åker parish with theexiled Per Andersen.

      Madam Anne's second husband, Hans Borreby, had bequeathed her Myregård,although they had no children together it was legal according to SkåneLaw so long as the gift not more than half share of the total estate.Madam Anne got the Lübeck bailiff to throw Per Andersen off the farm.Per Andersen was surely no paragon of virtue during their feud in 1535,as he was an exile (along with Mogens Uf) by 1537 - taking refuge inKøbenhavn, and he cited Madam Anne to the Herredagen (his wife was HansBorreby's sister), and there he was awarded Myregård via Jyske(Jutlander) Law! And it was hardly by chance. . . .

      The antagonism between the crown and Lübeck was also expressed throughthe property that accompanies the high court position. The property,which previously had enriched the magistrate before the reformation ofthe archbishopric in Lund, now belonged under the king's ecclesiasticaljurisdiction. The crown's property lay under Hammershus, and so was nowunder Lübeck's jurisdiction. It goes without saying that the moreproperty the king's own bailiff was able to prove did not belonged to thecrown (administered under Hammershus), but rather to the ecclesiasticaljurisdiction (which was the king's personal property on the island!),well all the better!!! Lübeck had endowed the chief justice with anuncertain number of farms, 3 of them the king's bailiff had deprive tohim under the reasoning that they belonged under ecclesiasticaljurisdiction, even though the farms had for 18 years had beenadministered by Hammershus, which were the farms the chief justiceadministered to profit from their rent.

      On the 13th of June 1543 petitioned Laurids Pedersen's brother HansPedersen be endowed with one of the 3 farms, and here again is referenceto the uncertainty as to where the appeal should be heard. The chiefjustice had in the winter of 1542-43 complained to Lübeck about thelossed income from the three missing farms, which King Christian III'sman Stig Pors had confiscated because they had previously been underecclesiastical jurisdiction (and thus now belonged to the crown), andinquired about the above endowments, now wrote to the councilmen inLübeck in reference to the bailiff, who had okayed the endowment of afarm to the magistrate, provided he promised to lend an ear to thebailiff's advice and employed him! Open bribery. Considering the factthat none of Hans Pedersen's three children later held Bjergegård itseems likely that one the farms confiscated by the crown was Bjergegård;this is bolstered by the fact that the farm is known to have been ownedby the crown in 1606.

      The last occasion we encounter Laurids Pedersen with surety, is on the10th of June 1545 where he in one apparent tolerably Lübeck-disposedsociety was signatory to a woman's confession after "pinligt forhør"(torture, literally: painful test), as to how she had tried to poison theLübeck bailiff, Blasius a Wickede, at the request of the bailiff's ownwife. The second of undersigner was the succeeding chief justice - alsoa friend to Lübeck - Hans Reimer, then the mayor of Rønne.

      Laurids Pedersen was without doubt childless. His brother Hans Pedersenhad a daughter, Mette (Hansdatter), who later married a future chiefjustice (Peder Hansen Uf), and also a great-grandchild, Karen(Jørgensdatter), who likewise would marry a future chief justice (MadsHansen Kofoed). Neither of his sons (Peder and Bendt Hansen) were laterable to attain a high court seat, although one was involved in a jointjudgement: on 13th of September 1583 chief justice Peder Hansen (Uf) and3 freemen, including Bendt Hansen, addressed the citizens (borgere) ofNexø concerning the matter of salvage money.

      About the family before Laurids and Hans Pedersen nothing is known. Itis interesting however that the family-arms are the same as the extinctfamily Split: on a red field a white half lobster claw, on the helmet twowhite vesselhorns (i rødt feldt en hvid halv hummerklo, på hjelmen tohvide vesselhorn). The arms are known for the above mentioned MetteHansdatter and her husband, Peder Hansen (Uf), on a still preserved pewseat hung in Klemensker church. Also known is the report of a gravestonein Østermarie, for Peder Kofoed and his two wives, Elsebeth Gagge andInger Peder Hansens Datter. Inger was the niece of Madam Mette, and thereport describes "et våben nærmest som et kindben" (an arms adjacent witha cheekbone); note: if the lobster claw image is turned point up it lookssimilar to the lower jaw from a skull. An interesting example ofcombination family-arms on the island displays a Kofoed chevron"straddled across" one such lobster claw with point up.

      Lastly, an interesting possible tracing concerns the family's many latergenerations of residence at Eskegård in Pedersker, which may be placed incontext regarding "Væbner" (arms carrier) Hans Bentsen of said farm,mention in 1429 by chief justice Peter Bosen.

      From the Landbohistorisk Selskab website (Adkomstregistering for theyears 1513 through 1550), for the year 1537:

      1537-461: Anne bonde i Myregård, enke efter Hans Borigbøg; Ellen (Eline)bonde, gift med Peder Andersen på Bornholm, senere i Myregård, søster tilafdøde Hans Borigbøg i Myregård; Hans Borigbøg bonde, døde, i Myregård,gift med Anne; Peder Andersen bonde på Bornholm, senere i "Myregård",gift med Elline, søster til afdøde Hans Borigbøg ibid; Bornholm ø;Myregård Bornholm, sikkert Sønder hered, mon Pedersker sogn(?), eventueltÅker eller Povlsker sogn.

      1537-462: Anne bonde i Myregård, enke efter Hans Borigbøg; Bernt Knop,lybsk foged på Bornholm; Hans Borigbøg bonde, døde, i Myregård, gift medAnne; Henning Thomesen, tinghører i Bornholms Sønder herred, mon = kongChristian II's foged på Hammershus(?); Jens Hansen bonde [???],landsdommer på Bornholm; Bornholm ø; Bornholms Sønder herred; MyregårdBornholm, sikkert Sønder herred, mon Pedersker sogn(?), eventuelt Åkereller Povlsker sogn.

      1537-463 ; Anne bonde i Myregård, enke efter Hans Borigbøg; Hans Borigbøgbonde, døde, i Myregård, gift med Anne; Myregård Bornholm, sikkert Sønderherred, mon Pedersker sogn(?), eventuelt Åker eller Povlsker sogn.

      This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


      The following has been extracted from a translation of the article
      "Landet Borringholm: Bornholmsk-skånske slægtskredse", by Sigvard Mahler
      Dam, published in SAXO, 1986:

      . . . . the case was put before the "Landsting" (Senate) in Åkirkeby on
      May 22, 1522. The details were discussed, witnesses were heard, and
      finally a document was drawn up and sealed by the most important
      officials on Bornholm: 1) the Commander of Hammershus, Niels Ibsen; 2)
      Jørgen Hals' step-brother Chief Justice Oluf Ottesen (Uf); 3) Jørgen
      Gagge, who had been made a freeman 20 years previously and was an
      illegitimate born member of the Gagge-family of Skåne; 4) Hans Borgeby of
      Bierregård; 5) Anders Kos in Ibsker parish (of Kåsegård); 6) and the
      invaders from Lübeck, Peder Kofoed, 7) and Morten Lassen, both mayors in
      Rønne; 8) Lauritz Jul from an old an distinguished family and a bailiff
      in Østermarie parish; 9) Hans Pedersen from the same parish, who later
      married Jørgen Hals' daughter; 10) and finally the document was signed by
      the bailiff for Åker parish, Peder Munck.

      * * * *
      Hans Pedersen mentioned in a record dated 1491. Våben: I rødt felt en
      hvid halv hummerklo (Coat-of-arms: On a red field a white half
      lobster-claw). Possibly the same person as the above "Hans Pedersen from
      the same parish, who later married Jørgen Hals' daughter"?

      Hans Pedersen's widow is known to have been alive in 1523 and in 1537.

      Michael EneRiis database states that Hans Pedersen's son Bendt Hansen and
      grandson Laurids Pedersen attended the 1572 "Frimandsmødet"; it also
      links them, and Jørgen Pedersen (died 1588) of Vellensgård, to the
      "hummerklo" coat-of-arms.

      At the "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men named
      as being in attendance: the brothers Jens and Hans Madsen Kofoed, Peder
      Poulsen Kofoed, Oluf Bagge, Peder Uf, Peder Myre, Jørgen Gagge, Bendt
      Hansen, Laurids Pedersen, and also eight other men only listed by their
      patronyms; and at which occassion three Danish Parlimentary advisers
      (Rigsråder) had been sent to preside over the meeting. This special
      meeting was held to establish who on Bornholm had the right to call
      themselves a "Frimand" (Free-man), a title which conveyed the upper-class
      standing of the landed-gentry.

      * * * *
      1572: Bendt Hansen deltog i mødet om hvem der var frimænd på Bornholm.
      Våben: Hummerklo.

      In "Ludvig Kristian Kure's aner", af Aage Kure, (published in 1998), he
      is listed under heading: "Hummerklo" (Lobster-claw).

      In "Danmarks Adelsårbog", 1901, page 231:
      Hans Myre held the status of free-man (frimand). He inherited 6' Vdg.
      Fuglsangsgård, in Klinteby, Ibsker parish. Owner also of Bjergegård, 24'
      Vdg. Åker. In 1511 he is named in Anders Galen's will (testamente) on
      his wife's behalf; disputed with Jørgen Hals about inheritance. His
      wife's mother, Anna Hals is sister to Jørgen Hals. Anna and Jørgen's
      mother is n.n. Andersdatter Galen, of the skåne noble-family.
      Myre-family's noble coat-of-arms displays three "myrer" (ants). . . .

      Mette Hansdatter inherited a number of the Myre-family farms, including
      Fuglsangsgård (later known as Gaggegård, still later as: I Klinteby), 6'
      Vdg. in Ibsker. Mette also owned Pæregård, 3' Vdg. (Nylars or
      Østerlars?), which she probably brought into her marriage Peder Hansen Uf
      as a dowry, as the farm thereafter became part of Simblegård's
      estate-lands - which her husband had inherited. She inherited the
      Myre-family farm: Store Myregård in Åker parish, which had previously
      been owned by Peder Hansen Myre (died 1572). After Mette inherited her
      brother Truid Myre's farms, they too were included as part of
      Simblegård's estate-lands. Later Mette's daughter Margrethe/Merete
      Pedersdatter's children inherited some of the properties: Claus Gagge
      inherited 6' Vdg. Ibsker, and Sivert Gagge inherited Store Myregård in
      Åker. Margrethe's first husband Henning Gagge died in 1606, and she
      shortly thereafter married Hans Grabow/Grabau. Hans Grabow took over
      Simblegård in 1609, and after his death in 1626 it went to his son,
      Joachim/Jochum, from a previous marriage. In 1632 Joachim Grabow
      exchanged 24 farms with the king, and also sold six farms to private

      This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,
      Ontario, copyright 1990-2001.

  • Kilder 
    1. [S1] Bjarne Kofoed, Bjarne Kofoeds database, (