Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Niels Joensen Bild

Niels Joensen Bild

Mand før 1325 - 1379  (> 54 år)

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  • Navn Niels Joensen Bild 
    Fødsel før 1325  Jylland, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1
    Køn Mand 
    Beskæftigelse Clergyman (Præst) 
    Ane-nr. note 
    Død 5 feb. 1379  Hammershus fortress, Bornholm, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [2
    Person-ID I5012  anebasen
    Sidst ændret 2 jun. 2001 

    Far Joen Nielsen Bild,   f. ca. 1305, Elkær, Vendsyssel, Jylland, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1335, Skåne Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 31 år) 
    Mor ??? Larsdatter,   f. før 1310   d. eft. 1325 (Alder > 17 år) 
    Familie-ID F1988  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

  • Notater 
    • The first member of the noble Uf-family to appear in Bornholm'shistorical records was Hans Uf, who was appointed commander of Hammershusfortress by his mother's brother Niels Joensen (Bild).

      Archbishop Jakob died in 1361, and was buried on the 18th of February inLund. Niels Joensen, a clerk who is faithful to Valdemar and said tohave been from Jylland, is appointed his successor. Later that year theHansa offer Valdemar 1,200 marks for the return of their priviledges.Valdemar demands 4,000, and the Hansa agree. Then Valdemar conquersGotland, one of the Hansa's own territories. The Hansa allies itselfwith Magnus and Haakan and send a fleet up the sound. Valdemar defeatsit, then reaffirms his previous alliance with Magnus and Haakan.Haakan's intended bride, Elisabeth of Holstein, is intercepted on her wayto Sweden by Niels Joensen and held captive on Bornholm.

      In 1368 Valdemar leaves Denmark to his governor Henning Podebusk while hepursues support in Europe. Albrekt of Sweden attacks Skåne, takingcontrol of the north-west. He is supported by Tue Andersen Galen (nephewof Peder Jensen, the previous Archbishop), Anders Jakobsen Grim and HasseTuesen Galen. The war goes against Denmark. The cathedral compound inLund is conquered and Åhus is besieged. Niels Joensen flees to Bornholm.

      During a long winter stay at the fortress the Archbishop died on February5, 1379. Two days previously he had written his testament, wherein heleft to Hans Uf his large gilded silver-horn and two silver cups, also 40Marks in silver to cover expenses for flour, malt, and other items usedduring his stay. As well he received the rights to six dwellings inListed fishing-village, which he had had built for the Archbishop, andwhich brought in 6 Marks silver in yearly rent.

      During Hans Uf's long term of office he acquired land in the regionnorth-west of Svaneke. The Archbishop also thought of Hans Uf's daughterCecilie, leaving her a gold ring. She was later married three times, allof her husbands were noblemen from Skåne; she outlived them all.

      This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006. [3]

  • Kilder 
    1. [S5] Edvard Skovgaard, 1000 Aner til en Skovgårdsslægt, (1989).

    2. [S83] Sigvard Mahler Dam, De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid, (Heraldisk Tidsskrift, 1982).

    3. [S4] Norman Lee Madsen, Norman Lee Madsens database, (