Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Maren Larsdatter

Maren Larsdatter

Kvinde - eft. 1711

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  • Navn Maren Larsdatter 
    Køn Kvinde 
    Død eft. 1711 
    Person-ID I46283  anebasen
    Sidst ændret 4 feb. 2025 

    Far Lars Berildsen,   f. ca. 1625, Prgd. Halsegård, Østermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1654, Bornholm Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 29 år) 
    Mor Giertrud Adsersdatter,   f. ca. 1628   d. 1703, 11. sgd. Lille Myregårds grund, Nylars Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 75 år) 
    Ægteskab ca. 1650  [1
    Familie-ID F9303  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie Jens Aristsen,   f. ca. 1652, 5. vgd. Saltholmsgård, Nyker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1720, 5. vgd. Saltholmsgård, Nyker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 68 år) 
    Familie-ID F17079  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 7 feb. 2025 

  • Notater 
    • Note(kopieret fra Norman Lee Madsen)

      From the Nørre Herred Tingbog 1678-1684:
      Michel Berildsen died at Vallegård, 15' Vdg. Nyker, in 1681. That farm was part of the freeman estate of Kyndegård, formerly owned by Berild Hansen of Bjergegård in Åker. Claus Hansen, whose wife was probably related (daughter?) to Berild Hansen, believed he had inheritance rights to Vallegård. His first attempt to establish this right failed, as Christian Gedde, the Governor of Bornholm 1678-1682, had earmarked Vallegård for himself, and he refused to recognize Claus Hansen and his heirs as rightful claimants to freeman's property, stating that they were "ufrelse mænd" (un-free men). Claus Hansen must have later succeeded proving his claim, as he is known to have owned the farm in 1688 and lived there up until his death in 1694.

      The details of the case are to be found in the Nørre Herred Tingbogbeginning on November 25, 1681, wherein Mads Hansen, on the behaf ofcastellan and county governor Christian Gedde summoned Claus Hansen andhis son Hans Clausen of Rutsker concerning a "Frivornedgaarden" (freecopyhold farm) in Nyker (namely Vallegård, 11' Vdg.) which the lord ofthe castle had claimed as his own. Jens Andersen from the parsonage inRutsker, along with others, was sent to Nyker with Castle Lord's goods onMonday th 14th of November. When they came to the farm they were deniedaccess by Claus Hansen's wife and son Berild Hansen to carry the goodsinto the house, telling them that they could place them anywhere else onthe property. Claus Hansen's wife had said that "saa ugudelig Slotsherrehavde de aldrig haft" (such a wicked castle lord they had never had).The prohibition was confirmed by the other accompanying assistants:Jørgen Pedersen from Olsker parish, and Niels Nielsen's son named NielsNielsen also from Olsker. They had no written order to place the goodsin the farm, but only a verbal order from the lord of the castle. Afterthe others had left Jørgen Pedersen took a barrel of salt and threebarrels of meat, a round table, etc. and placed them in the cellar. Therest of the estate was left standing in the yard. Claus Hansen pointedout that the court could not require that Berild Clausen had to speak incourt because he was not summoned. Claus Hansen will submit a writtendefense to the next court session.

      The case continued on December 2, 1681 wherein Christian Gedde summonedBerild Clausen, who was residing with his father Claus Hansen in Rutskerin the regards to the case his father and brother had previously beensued over. Jørgen Pedersen and Niels Nielsen in Olsker were present whenthe last session's testimony was read. The testimony of Claus Hansen'swife's statement: "saa ugudelig Slotsherre havde de aldrig haft og atingen tidligere slotherre paa Bornholm har gjort os så meget uret" (sucha wicked castle lord they never have had and that no former lord of thecastle on Bornholm has done us so very wrong). Jørgen Pedersen was askedwhether he agreed? He replied, "Gud bevares, siger ikke saa, Alle mandsiger, at vi haver en god Slotsherre, ingen kan anderledes sige" (Godpreserve, say it not so, everyone says that we have a good castle lord,no one can say differently). Berild Clausen told that the day before thesaid incident took place he had been with the lord of the castle. Andsince nothing was mentioned regarding the property which had been drivento the farm in Nyker and that he has no written order relating to it, sohe thought that he could legally deny the claim. There was none of thecastle lord men present to receive the goods. The District Governor'srepresentative Mads Hansen thought Berild Clausen should take the castlelord's command and will as legal and he would come to provide guaranteefor his actions.

      Judgement was handed down on December 16, 1681 in the case of the freecopyhold farm in Nyker where the owner Michel Berildsen was now dead.His legacy was to be divided respectively among his siblings: namely a"broderlod" (brother's portion) and 2 "søsterlod" (sister's portion). Amortgage had been issued by Michel Berildsen to Morten Mogensen of Nyker;this mortgage had been redeemed by the lord of the castle. The brother'spartion was owed to a minor [namely Maren Larsdatter], who guardian was[her husband] Jens Aredsen of Saltholm in Nyker [she is MichelBerildsen's deceased brother Lars Berildsen's daughter, MarenLarsdatter]. He had received the brother's portion from the lord of thecastle for a total of 60 Sldr. The wife of Claus Hansen in Rutsker wasto receive one of the sister's portions, and he had payed out the thesecond sister's portion. Therefore, Claus Hansen wanted to buy thebrother's portion out, which he thought himself entitled to because ofthe inheritance rules that penalize families when properties changeownership. It was ruled that Claus Hansen and his son Berild Clausen hadrather violently seized the farm despite prohibitions from lord of thecastle. They had begun to farm the land. Claus Hansen said that he andhis wife were the closest heirs to take over the farm, as the lawprovides that the farms could not deprive "slægt og byrd" (family andlineage). The judge abided by the castle lord's will by judging ClausHansen and his son Berild to not have rights to the farm, but that thelord of the castle had to pay them, and Claus Hansen's wife's sister, outof the estate. Claus Hansen was also ordered to pay the costs.

      From the Nyker kirkebog:
      August 14, 1687: Dnica XII Trinit. blef døbt Jens Areds daatter Boel.Hende bar Kirstene Peder Pedersens. Faddere: Rasmus Pedersen, NielsMuurmester, Jens Pedersens hustru.

      September 13, 1691: Dom. 14' Trin blef døbt Jens Areds søn kaldet Lars,hannem bar til daaben Frans Trompeters kiereste. Faddere: LauridtzHiulmager, Hans Mogensens dreng i Riisegaarden, Mogens [missing], NielsPedersen, Rasmus Aredsens kone [missing], Hans Andersens pige iSkougaarden.

      This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2020

  • Kilder 
    1. [S1394] Ole Thyge Plannthin, Børn (fødselsår).