Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Otte Pedersen Uf

Otte Pedersen Uf

Mand før 1440 - ca. 1498  (> 58 år)

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  • Navn Otte Pedersen Uf 
    Fødsel før 1440  Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1
    Køn Mand 
    Ane-nr. Ane 16.53897 (Garde) 
    Ane-nr. Ane 16.55301 (Garde) 
    Ane-nr. Ane 17.71753 (Sommer) 
    Beskæftigelse Land-owner (Proprietær) 
    Død ca. 1498  Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [2
    Person-ID I4318  anebasen
    Sidst ændret 10 sep. 2024 

    Far Peder Uf,   f. ca. 1380, Bornholm Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1416, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder > 37 år) 
    Familie-ID F2322  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie 1 Lawe Uf,   f. før 1315, Skåne Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1345 (Alder > 32 år) 
    Familie-ID F6584  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 10 sep. 2024 

    Familie 2 ??? Andersdatter Galen,   f. ca. 1435, Herrestad, Skåne Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1475, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 40 år) 
    Ægteskab ca. 1467 
     1. Peder Uf,   f. ca. 1470, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1520 (Alder > 51 år)
     2. Anders Uf,   f. ca. 1475, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1533 (Alder > 59 år)
    Familie-ID F1978  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 10 sep. 2024 

    Familie 3 ??? Andersdatter Galen,   f. ca. 1435, Herrestad, Skåne Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1475, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 40 år),   f. før 1460   d. eft. 1480 (Alder > 22 år) 
    Ægteskab ca. 1475 
    +1. Oluf Ottesen Uf,   f. ca. 1475, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1522 (Alder > 48 år)
     2. Margrethe Ottesdatter Uf,   f. ca. 1478, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. eft. 1505 (Alder > 28 år)
    Familie-ID F2375  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 10 sep. 2024 

  • Notater 
    • Fra Bjarne Kofoeds database:

      Occupation: Land-owner (Proprietær)
      The respected Bornholm historian Dr. M.K. Zarthmann (published in
      1931) relates that Otte Pedersen Uf can be found mentioned in records

      dating from 1493 and 1497 in which he is mentioned as the owner of
      Skovsholm in Ibsker parish; and that it is thought that his wife was
      a member of the Galen family. They are attributed as having had at
      least four children:
      1) Oluf Ottesen, Chief Justice (Landsdommer) of Bornholm from 1508 to

      2) Peder Uf, "Kannik"(?) in Skåne, 1505;
      3) Anders Uf, mentioned as "frænde" to Anders Galen in 1511, and
      known to have been alive in 1533;
      4) a daughter, given name unknown, married to Oluf Tuesen. (The word
      "frænde" can mean either "friend" or "relative".)
      Dr. Zarthmann attributes Gunhild Uf to be the "datterdatter"
      (daughter's daughter) of Otte Pedersen Uf, thus making her the
      daugher of Oluf Tuesen and the unkown Uf daughter. While in "1000
      Aner til en Skovgårdsslægt", by Edvard Skovgaard, Gunhild Uf is
      attributed to be the daughter of Anders Uf and Anne Sevidsdatter of
      St. Kannikegård in Bodilsker parish; in 1449, as a wedding present
      from her father Sevid Nielsen, they were given the ownership of St.
      Kannikegård. This would mean that Edvard Skovgaard's Anders Uf must
      have been at least 25 years old in 1449 (25 was the age at which a
      man could own land in that era), and thus born before 1426. If he
      was the same Anders Uf who was "frænde" to Anders Galen in 1511, then

      he would have been at least 107 years old in 1533. It is probable
      that Edvard Skovgaard has mistakenly attributed Anders Uf, the son of

      Otte Pedersen Uf, to be the same person as Anders Uf of St.
      Kannikegård. It has also been presented that Gunhild Uf and her
      brothers are the children of Otte Pedersen Uf's son Anders Uf, rather

      than that of his daughter and her husband Oluf Tuesen. Edvard
      Skovgaard has lain out an ancestry for Anders Uf, of St. Kannikegård,

      that leads back to the first King of a united Danmark: "Gorm den
      Gamle", or Gorm the Elder, and his wife Thyra Dannebod. History says

      that Thyra was the descendant of a long line of Kings in England,
      dating back to 400 A.D. It is an accepted fact that the present
      Queen of Danmark, Margrethe II, is a descendant of King Gorm; that
      all of the Danish royalty since then have numbered among his
      descendants. And thus through inter-marriage many of Europe's royal
      families, including the British, are his descendants. Edvard
      Skovgaard states that Anders Uf was the son of Otte Pedersen Uf (?-
      after 1497) and ??? Galen. That ??? Galen was the daughter of Tuve
      (Tue) Galen (before 1320-after 1400) of Næsbyholm in Skåne, who in
      1345 was made a Knight (Ridder), in 1364 Marschall, and from 1376-83
      was "Gældker" (Treasurer?); he married Ingefred Pedersdatter Urup on
      April 15, 1345. She was the daughter of Peder Holmgersen Urup (?-
      1378), who is a decendant of Cecilie - a daughter of King Knud
      (Canute) the Holy (who was a gr-gr-gr-grandson of Gorm the Elder).
      Edvard Skovgaard states they had five children. While in the
      book "Nachkommen Gorms des Alten" (Descendants of Gorm) by Siegfried

      Otto Brenner (published in 1978 by the Danish Genealogy Society),
      Tuve Galen is said to be a descendant of Gorm, it does not list ???
      Galen. He is recorded in that book as having four children:
      Anders Galen (?-after 1399); Peder Galen (?-after 1400); Ingefred
      Tuvesdatter Galen (?-1396) married to Johannes Absalonsen Ulfeldt (?-
      1396); and ??? Tuvesdatter Galen married to Conrad Isenvorde
      (Isenfurt) (?-1396/97), esquire in Skåne. It does NOT list a fifth
      child: the un-named Galen daughter married to Otte Pedersen Uf. I
      have not included Edvard Skovgaard's lineage of the Uf family in this

      database for the simple reason I found the dates and connections to
      be rather suspect. Working with those dates that were provided I
      found that the un-named Galen woman must have been born between 1345

      and 1380 (at the very latest!). As Edvard Skovgaard's Anders Uf was
      alive in 1533, it is doubtful that he was born before 1426. Given a
      limit to a woman's child-bearing years, by this calculation she could

      not (by any stretch of the imagination) have given birth to a child
      past 1430. This would mean that Anders Uf would have had to have
      lived to at least 105 years old, and have been fathering children at
      70-80 years old. Also, since Otte Pedersen Uf was still alive in
      1497, it is doubtful he was born before 1400. Meaning that Otte
      Pedersen Uf, at 20-30, would have been married to woman at least 20-
      30 years older than himself. This whole senario is remotely
      possible, but highly unlikely! The Anders Uf of St. Kannikegård was a

      nobleman (adelsmand) and is described as a "Storbonde"; I am not sure

      of the word's exact meaning, however: stor=great and bonde=farmer, so

      I suspect it means he was the holder of large amounts of land farmed
      by "vornedskabe" peasants. In the middle-ages the peasants had been
      declared "vornedskabe" (bound), this meant that the descendants of
      tenured peasants could be forced to stay on the "vornedegaard" they
      were working, and it gave the owner of the farms the right to recall
      a dead peasant's heir to take over working the land. By the 1500s
      those tenured peasants who lived on manor-owned farms worked off a
      portion of their taxes by service in the manor's fields. That said,
      it is still possible that the Uf-family of Bornholm is descended from

      Gorm; being as that they were of minor Danish nobility, and on
      account of the nobility's tendancy to inter-marry amongst themselves.

      They seem to have been connected to families, (i.e. the Galen-
      family) known to be descended from Gorm; however, the possible
      connection is far from certain and will probably remain that way! The

      first member of the noble Uf-family to appear in Bornholm's
      historical records was Hans Uf, who was appointed commander of
      Hammershus fortress by his mother's brother Niels Jonsen, who was
      Archbishop of Lund from 1361-1379. During a long winter stay at the
      fortress the Archbishop died on February 5, 1379. Two days
      previously he had written his testament, wherein he left to Hans Uf
      his large gilded silver-horn and two silver cups, also 40 Marks in
      silver to cover expenses for flour, malt, and other items used during

      his stay. As well he received the rights to six dwellings in Listed
      fishing-village, which he had had built for the Archbishop, and which

      brought in 6 Marks silver in yearly rent. During Hans Uf's long term
      of office he acquired land in the region north-west of Svaneke. The
      Archbishop also thought of Hans Uf's daughter Cecilie, leaving her a
      gold ring. She was later married three times, all of her husbands
      were noblemen from Skåne. She outlived them all and in 1427 she
      bestowed a gilded silver-chalice to Nyker Church, which is still in
      use, it bears the Uf-family coat-of-arms - with its characteristic
      truss (sparren) - and the inscription: "Madame Cecilie gave this
      chalice to All-Saints Church, pray for my soul." This indicates that

      the Uf-family had a home-farm in Nyker parish.
    • UF-note
      Også Ane 16.54601

  • Kilder 
    1. [S91] Bornholm historian Dr. M.K. Zarthmann.

    2. [S83] Sigvard Mahler Dam, De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid, (Heraldisk Tidsskrift, 1982).