Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Jørgen Pedersen Hals

Jørgen Pedersen Hals

Mand ca. 1464 - ca. 1530  (66 år)

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  • Navn Jørgen Pedersen Hals 
    Fødsel ca. 1464  Store Halsegård, Østermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1
    Køn Mand 
    Beskæftigelse Commander (Høvedsmand) of 
    Ane-nr. HL2 note 
    Død ca. 1530  Store Halsegård, Østermarie Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [2
    Person-ID I4305  anebasen
    Sidst ændret 10 sep. 2024 

    Far Ødbern Hals,   f. ca. 1430, Store Halsegård, Østermarie, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1467, Store Halsegård, Østermarie, Danmark Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 37 år) 
    Mor ??? Andersdatter Galen,   f. ca. 1435, Herrestad, Skåne Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1475, Prgd. Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 40 år) 
    Ægteskab ca. 1455  (Skåne/Bornholm) Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Familie-ID F1633  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie-ID F1979  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 2 okt. 2023 

  • Notater 
    • According to Kure's farm-list Jørgen Hals owned owned Store Halsegård(later called Gadebygård) and Lille Halsegård (later called Halsegård),both proprietair-farms in Østermarie parish. According to Kure'sfarm-list his daughter was married to Hans Berildsen, later chief justicefor Bornholm.

      The following has been extracted from a translation of the article"Landet Borringholm: Bornholmsk-skånske slægtskredse", part 2, by SigvardMahler Dam, published in SAXO, 1986:

      Otte Pedersen Uf's wife had previously been married to a Bornholmer, andthat is how she came to live on Bornholm. It appears that she had runaway with esquire Peder Hals against the wishes of her family, for AndersGalen in Lund refused to acknowledge her children from her firstmarriage! She had at least three children (1 son and 2 daughters) whenshe married Otte Uf. Anders Galen's will caused great controversy andthe probate proceedings to 21 years to be finalized! Otte's first wifedied around 1480 and he married for the second time to an unnameddaughter of Oluf (any evidence for this? - Norman Madsen), and they had ason, Oluf Ottesen, and a daughter, who became the founder of the secondBornholm Uf-family line. The youngest son, Oluf Ottesen appears as awitness in a document from 1497 and borrows his father's seal (there aretwo identical seals on the document), so he must have been very young.Oluf and his sister were not named in Anders Galen's will of 1511, sotherefore their mother is not his sister.

      The freeman Jørgen Hals of Østermarie and his two sisters felt cheatedwhen they were read Anders Galen's will, in which they figured only thus:

      (In the original old Danish)
      "Item Jørgen Hals X Mark, 1 wpret Segn, 1 Gryde, Anne Jørgen HalsesSøster ligeledes, meth saadan Skell, ath the skwlle ey ydherre begære athærffwe mig."

      (Which modernized reads in English approximately as follows)
      "Item: Jørgen Hals, Østermarie, 1 complete Bed, 1 Cooking-pot, JørgenHals' sister Anne receives the same, with the understand that they willinherit nothing more."

      From the choice of above words we can see there was no love lost betweenAnders Galen and the Hals-family. He even forgot to include the othersister! Did he not wish to acknowledge the relationship? Is it that atthe time they were not the best of friends, or was there a more sinisterreason? Why acknowledge the two Uf children, and not the three olderHals? A clue can be found in the following declaration given by theCommander of Hammershus in 1522 (59):

      (In the original old Danish)
      "Jag Niels Jiebsen (Bryske). . . gør vitterligt for alle med dette mitobne Breff, at denne Breffwisere Jørgen Hals er Anders Gallens som dødeudi Lund. . . rette ecte Søstersøn med ogsaa twenne Søstre som førnavnteJørgen Hals hafwer paa Borindholm, og hafwer jag spurgt I sandignen atførnævnte Anders Gallen igen nærmere rette arvinger hafwer end dissefornævnte. . . ."

      (Which modernized reads in English approximately as follows)
      "I, Niels Ibsen (Bryske). . . declare to all by means of this open Letterthat the Plaintiff Jørgen Hals is Anders Galen's - who died in Lund. . .rightful Sister's son, as are his two Sisters whom the aforementionedJørgen Hals has in Bornholm, and I have inquired about the truth that theaforementioned Anders Galen has no closer heirs than the aforementioned.. . ."

      This was not considered to be sufficient proof, perhaps the commander wasnot considered to be a knowledgeable enough witness, since he had notbeen on Bornholm very long and could not have known of the details firsthand, he must have had to ask around. Therefore the case was put beforethe "Landsting" (Senate) in Åkirkeby on May 22, 1522. The details werediscussed, witnesses were heard, and finally a document was drawn up andsealed by the most important officials on Bornholm: 1) the Commander ofHammershus, Niels Ibsen; 2) Jørgen Hals' step-brother Chief Justice OlufOttesen (Uf); 3) Jørgen Gagge, who had been made a freeman 20 yearspreviously and was an illegitimate born member of the Gagge-family ofSkåne; 4) Hans Borreby of Borgegård; 5) Anders Kos in Ibsker parish (ofKåsegård); 6) and the invaders from Lübeck, Peder Kofoed, and 7) MortenLassen, both mayors in Rønne; 8) Lauritz Jul from an old anddistinguished family and a bailiff in Østermarie parish; 9) Hans Pedersenfrom Østermarie parish; 10) and finally the document was signed by thebailiff for Åker parish, Peder Munck. The document reads as follows (60):

      (In the original old Danish)
      ". . . wor skicket for os och for menige Almue. . . beskenden mand JørgenHals, hvilken gik frem. . . och bespurgte sig om det var dem vitterligt,om han og hans søskende er ægte og rette fødte baade af fader och moder,og om det var dem vitterligt at de hørte Anders Gallen til der døde iLund, Gud naade hans sjæl, eller om de burde staai arv efter samme AndersGallen for ægtheds skyld, og arve ham deres døde frænde og slægtning somloven udviser som er ægte og rette baade af fader og moder. Der tilsvarede alle mænd som deraf vidste og bad dem Gud til hjælp, at de ikkeandet vidste med fornævnte Jørgen Hals og hans syskende end at de er ægteog ægtefødte og bør saavel arve deres del efter fornævnte Anders Gallenmed lige og rette saa meget som dem rettelig kan tilfalde efter loven."

      (Which modernized reads in English approximately as follows)
      ". . . the modest man Jørgen Hals presented himself before us and askedif we would attest that he and his siblings are legitimate born both offather and mother, and further attest that they were relatives of AndersGalen who died in Lund, God bless his soul, and that they are the sameAnders Galen's legitimate heirs. To his all the men with God's helpanswered that they were convinced the forenamed Jørgen Hals and hissiblings are legitimate and therefore entitled to inherit their portionfrom the aforementoned Anders Galen in accordance with the just processof law."

      This document finally saw the heirs receive more than the 10 Mark and afully made-up bed! They received estate-property in Hyltebierg(Hylteberga, Skurup parish, Vemmenhög district) in Skåne, to be dividedinto three parts. A deed dated July 2, 1523 documents (61) that JørgenHals, and his sister's son Axel Poulsen, and Axel's brother-in-law OlufDue of Østermarie, sold their inheritance to Mourids Jepsön (Sparre) ofSkurup - namely four farmsteads, with the request that he yearly supplythe clergyman in Skurup with 1 Skilling worth of "grot" (produce?) forthe souls of their parents. The sister Else did not sell her portion ofthe property, maybe she moved there, as after 1530 there is no furthermention of her.

      The inheritance case was not quite over with! After the above mentionedsale of property, maybe from around 1530 there is another document. Theclergymen Hr. Hans for Østermarie and Hr. Hans for Vestermarie attestthat "Jørgen Hals, Anne Poul Olsens, Else Ødberns" are the legitimateheirs of Anders Galen, and that he was the true brother of their mother.The clergymen along with several other good Danes swear on their Soul'sHoliness that the above heirs had received no more property than that inHyltebierg after Anders Galen. Next we learn that Hr. Skelm(Gyldenstjerne) was the dean of the clergy on Bornholm when Jørgen Halsand his two sisters were born and christened; he died in Lund and hadbeen born in Blekinge. He had resided at Spidlegård in Åker parish whenhe was the Dean for Bornholm.

      We have no further information on Jørgen Hals affairs, so he had probablypassed away and his heirs might have needed the above document attestingto their legitimacy. Maybe the document relates to Jørgen Hals' sister,the widowed Anne, who from 1533 through 1537 was involved in a legaldispute with the heirs of her second husband. The clergymen fromØstermarie - Jørgen Hals home parish - and from Vestermarie, where Annahad her property, were involved as witnesses in the court case.

      This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 2006. [3]

  • Kilder 
    1. [S78] "Ludvig Kristian Kure's aner", af Aage Kure, 1998.

    2. [S81] "Landet Borringholm", Sigvard Mahler Dam, Saxo, 1986.

    3. [S4] Norman Lee Madsen, Norman Lee Madsens database, (Tidligere link, ikke længere aktivt: