Notater |
- Note (Norman Lee Madsen)
Rasmus Andersen Bleking was a student in Slagelse in 1641; from 1645 hewas clergyman (sognepræst) for Vestermarie parish. He died in theconfessional just before he was to give a sermon.
In his time Rasmus Andersen Bleking was Bornholm's wealthiest man. Wecan estimate his wealth from the taxation list of 1662, wherein it isnoted that he, as parson for Vestermarie parish, had to pay 300Slettedaler, and Herman Bohn Mortensen paid 250 Sldr., whereas all theinhabitants of the town of Hasle only paid a total of 177 Sldr. He heldthe farming rights for (Lillegård) 32 Slg. Vestermarie in 1658 and 1662.
On the losses of Danish territories during the lifetime of RasmusAndersen Bleking:
Under King Valdemar II, reigned 1202-1241, the kingdom reached itsgreatest size. He conquered Pomerania, Estonia, and parts ofMecklenburg; was sovereign over all of Denmark, the south-western coastalprovinces on the Swedish peninsula, and had dominion over the entireBaltic Sea coast-line. The Union of Kalmar, in 1397, united the kingdomsof Denmark, Sweden and Norway for 126 years. Sverige and a portion ofFinland seceded in 1523; Norway declared itself independence in 1814; andIIceland became independent in 1944. Greenland and the Faeroes are stillunder Danish rule.
The Swedes declared war on Danmark in 1643, invaded Jylland and Skåne andon June 29, 1644 defeated the Danish fleet. In the resulting "Peace ofBrömsebro" of 1645, Denmark ceded to Sweden the islands Ösel and Gotland,the provinces Jämtland, Härjedalen and Halland - the latter for thirtyyears (however, it was never returned). Later Skåne, Blekinge, andBohus, all Danish provinces for 500 years, were lost to Sverige as aresult of the "Peace of Roskilde", signed in 1658. The territory ofSkåne now comprises the counties (läns) of Malmöhus and Kristianstad.
From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1658, compiled during the Swedish occupationof the island:
Väster Häradh, Västermarch Sochn, Skattehemman, Nr. 32: Hr. RasmusAndersen (Forpantet till Fru Margrete Hölck) . . . 12 Daler, 8 Öre, 4Penningar.
From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1662:
Vester Herridt, Vestermarck Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 32: Hr. Rasmus Andersenbruger jorden (Udlagt til Fru Margrete Holkes sl. Jens Høgs).
Mention of Rasmus Andersen Bleking and Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed in theprobate for Holger Pedersen, June 25, 1697, page 239b:
Anno 1697 den 25 Juny er evter louglig giorde tillysning holdenregistering og vurdering sampt schifte og dehling efter Erlig og Velagtenu sal. mand Holger Pedersøn som boede og døde paa dend 54 Jord Eyendombsgaard, beliggende paa Tingsta i Vestermarie Sogn. . . . Sognepræsten Hl.Rasmus Jensen fordrede 14 Sld. 2 Mk. 2 Sk. som ham af sin hustruis sl.moder Kirstine sl. Hl. Rasmus Andersens er ofuerdragen efter dend imellumdenne giorde Contract, bestaaendis udi den 54 gaard her i VesterM Sognsom Holger Pedersen i boede, som en dom udsted af Vester Herris tingdaterit den 18 Juny 1688 saa og ded skiftebref ganget efter afgangne Hl.Rasmus Andersen daterit den 12 November 1673. . . .
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, Canada, 12 Jun 2016. [2]