Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin
Poul Hansen Anchersen
ca. 1570 - 1635 (65 år)-
Navn Poul Hansen Anchersen Fødsel ca. 1570 Starup Sogn [1] Køn Mand Ane-nr. Ane 11.1689 (Garde) Ane-nr. Ane 13.6425 (Sommer) Død 27 okt. 1635 Starup Sogn [1] Person-ID I133 anebasen Sidst ændret 20 nov. 2024
Far Hans Ivarsen Anchersen, f. ca. 1527 d. 20 jun. 1602, Starup Sogn (Alder 75 år) Mor Rachel Ivarsdatter Ravn, f. 1533, Starup Sogn d. 16 sep. 1611, Starup Sogn (Alder 78 år) Ægteskab ca. 1554 Starup Kirke Familie-ID F35 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie 1 Cathrine Friderichsdatter, f. 1578, Vandling Sogn d. 11 maj 1600, Starup Sogn (Alder 22 år) Ægteskab 29 jul. 1595 Starupgård, Starup Kirke Børn 1. Ifver Poulsen Anchersen, f. 13 maj 1596, Starup Sogn d. eft. 1613 (Alder > 18 år) 2. Hans Poulsen Anchersen, f. 9 aug. 1597, Starup Sogn d. 12 feb. 1630, Aabenraa (Alder 32 år) 3. Ancher Poulsen Anchersen, f. 7 aug. 1599, Starup Sogn d. 12 jan. 1626, Slagelse (Alder 26 år) Familie-ID F3237 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 20 nov. 2024
Familie 2 Marine Pedersdatter Hegelund, f. 23 nov. 1584, Ribe d. 10 maj 1660, Starup, Jylland (Alder 75 år) Trolovet 3 nov. 1602 Ribe Ægteskab 12 dec. 1602 Ribe Rådhus [2, 3] Børn + 1. Hans Poulsen Ancher, f. 4 dec. 1603, Starup Sogn d. 4 jun. 1655, Östra Hoby, Skåne, Sverige (Alder 51 år) 2. Jørgen Poulsen Anchersen, f. 29 jul. 1605, Starup Sogn 3. Karsten Poulsen Anchersen, f. 22 feb. 1607, Starup Sogn 4. Cathrine Poulsdatter, f. 13 apr. 1608, Starup Sogn 5. Margrethe Poulsdatter, f. 9 apr. 1610, Starup Sogn d. eft. 1635, Danmark (Alder > 26 år) 6. Rachel Poulsdatter, f. 17 apr. 1613, Starup Sogn d. 3 feb. 1693, Starup Sogn (Alder 79 år) 7. Lisbeth Poulsdatter, f. 22 jun. 1615, Starup Sogn 8. Peder Hegelund, f. 29 jan. 1618, Starup Sogn d. eft. 1654 (Alder > 37 år) 9. ??? Poulsdatter, f. 3 jul. 1620, Starup Sogn d. 3 jul. 1620, Starup Sogn (Alder 0 år) 10. Marine Poulsdatter, f. 28 sep. 1621, Starup Sogn d. eft. 1657 (Alder > 37 år) 11. Friderich Poulsen Anchersen, f. 10 feb. 1627, Starup Sogn 12. Agnethe Poulsdatter, f. 13 feb. 1627, Starup Sogn d. 7 sep. 1629, Starup Sogn (Alder 2 år) Familie-ID F31 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 20 nov. 2024
Notater - Provst i Haderslev herred
20 JAN 1602 Præst i Starup-Grarup
1588 Student i Haderslev, imm. i Roctock og Wittenberg
1595 Adjunkt - Hjælpepræst i Starup/Grarup
1614 Magister - "Poul Ancharius" was a student in Haderslev in 1588; on October 7, 1588,after completeing his studies, he wrote the matriculation exams for entrance into the university in Wittenberg. He was assistant-clergyman(hjælpepræst) alongside his father in Starup-Grarup parish circa 1595.After his father's death in 1602 he became the clergyman (sognepræst) for that parish. He also held the position of "konsistorial-assessor" and from 1610 was dean (provst) for Haderslev county. Marine Pedersdatter Hegelund is known to have received 9 years of education.
Poul Hansen Anchersen died "meget hasteligen" (very suddenly) on October 27, 1635, and was buried in Starup. On the outside wall of Starup Church a gravestone was put in place for Poul Hansen Anchersen and his two wives. It carries a latin inscription and an angel holding three shields. The middle shield is Poul Hansen Anchersen's coat of arms, which naturally enough is an anchor; the shield to the right depicts a tree between two lions; the one on the left depicts a skull surrounded by sheaves of grain and a serpent.
This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, copyright 1990-2003.
- Provst i Haderslev herred