Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin
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# | Notater | Knyttet til |
49751 | OBS! De 2 første familier er ikke egentligt relevante, idet de indeholder Oplysninger om andre personer med navnet Peder Hansen i Povlsker Sogn Bornholm, Sønder, Povlsker, , , 6. selvejergård, 8. familie, FT 1787 Peder Hansen, 58, gift, husbonde, Bonde og gårdmand, Bodild Hansdatter, 28, gift, madmoder, , Bodild Pedersdatter, 1, -, barn i husbondens 2. og madmoders 1. ægteskab Hans Clemensen, 22, ugift, tjenestefolk, , Giertrud Jensdatter, 26, ugift, tjenestefolk, , Margarethe Haagensdatter, 16, -, tjenestefolk, , Bornholm, Sønder, Povlsker, , , 4. vornedegård, 42. familie, FT 1787 Mogns Pedersen, 33, gift, mand, Bonde og gårdmand, Karen Pedersdatter, 26, gift, hans kone, , Peder Hansen, 66, enke, konens fader, Nyder aftægt af gården, Giertrud Pedersdatter, 23, ugift, konens søster, Arbejder for svogeren og af ham underholdes, Kirsten, 21, ugift, konens søster, Arbejder for svogeren og af ham underholdes, Hans Pedersen, 12, -, tjenestefolk, , Jens Pedersen, 10, -, tjenestefolk, , Bornholm, Sønder, Povlsker, , , 27. selvejergårds grund, 11. familie, FT 1787 Mogns Nielssen, 46, gift, mand, Har avling hvoraf han lever, Gundild Jensdatter, 51, gift, hans kone, , Elisabeth Mognsdatter, 14, ugift, hans børn af 2. ægteskab, , Ellen Margarete, 13, ugift, hans børn af 2. ægteskab, , Bornholm, Sønder, Povlsker, Selvejer Gaarde, , efter SE.gaard No 27, 40, FT-1801 Mogens Nielsen, 60, Gift, Mand, Huusmand med Jord, Gunild Jensdatter, 64, Gift, Hans Kone, , Ellen Margrethe Mogensdatter, 26, Ugift, Deres Datter, , Skifteprotokol, Bornholm Sønder Herred, 1762-1782 Side 140b. 1768. 11. Juni. Testamente. Dateret d. 3. Juni 1763. Herman Sode, Poulsker Og ? ?, hustru, " Da hun døde først.". Hendes 2 brødre og 2 søstre. A: Niels Larsen, død. 1 søn. 1 dat. 1: Niels Nielsen, 16. Sg. Poulsker. 2: Kirstine Nielsdatter, gm. Peder Hansen, 4. Vg. Poulsker. B: Rasmus Larsen, død. 2 søn. 1 dat. 1: Jens Rasmusen, myndig. 2: Lars Rasmusen, myndig, fravær. Værge: Niels Nielsen, Poulsker. 3: Seidne Rasmusdatter. Værge: Mads Due, 26. Sg. Poulsker. C: Ingeborg Larsdatter, død, var gm. Knud Jørgensen. 2 døt. 1: Kirstine Knudsdatter, gm. Mogens Hansen, tambor, 20. Sg. Pedersker. 2: Gjertrud Knudsdatter, gm. Terkel Øbsen, Rønne. D: Karen Larsdatter, gm. Andreas Ipsen, Nexø. Skifteprotokol, Bornholm Sønder Herred, 1762-1782 Side 227. 1772. 30. Juli. Anna Hansdatter, Snogebæk. Peder Larsen. 1 dat. A: Ellen Pedersdatter, f. 1765. Værge: Far. Tilsynsv: Morbror, Peder Hansen, 6. Sg. Poulsker. Skifteprotokol, Bornholm Sønder Herred, 1762-1782 Side 243b. 1773. 18. Juni. Jørgen Thomesen, ungkarl, 6. Sg. Poulsker. Moder, 2 brødre. A: Elisabeth Assersdatter, gm. Peder Hansen, 6. Sg. Poulsker. B: Adser Thomesen, udenlands. Værge: Jacob Sadelmager, Nyker. C: Peder Thomesen, København, Værge: Stiftfar, Peder Hansen. Skifteprotokol, Bornholm Sønder Herred, 1762-1782 Side 382b. 1782. 2. Maj. Hans Larsen, kirkeværge. Bodilsker. Kierstine Olsdatter. Laugv: Niels Pedersen, 13. Vg. Bodilsker. 1 søn. 4 døt. A: Ole Hansen Kjøller, f. 1777. Værge: Farbror, Michel Bærildsen, 2. Sg. Bodilsker. B: Boel Hansdatter, gm. Peder Hansen, 6. Sg. Poulsker. C: Annike Hansdatter, f. 1762. Værge: Mogens Mogensen, 10. Sg. Østerlars. D: Kierstine Hansdatter, f. 1764. Værge: Peder Hansen, Poulsker. E: Susanne Hansdatter, f. 1769. Værge: Lars Andersen. Skifteprotokol, Bornholm Sønder Herred, 1762-1782 Side 19. 1763. 20. Maj. Kirstine Mogensdatter, 6. Sg.g. Bodilsker. Peder Hansen. 2 søn. 1 dat. A: Hans Pedersen, f. 1752. B: Mogens Pedersen, f. 1755. C: Karen Pedersdatter, f. 1758. Værge: Far. Tilsynsv: Moders søsk.barn, Lars Ipsen, 6. Sg. Bodilsker. Uddrag af skiftebreve, Bornholms Sønder Herred, 1781-1787 1786 15/3 Gundel Hansdatter Boede på 21. sgs. grund, Poulsker, druknede på rejse til København (på Københavns red) Enkemand: Peder Hansen Fællesbørn: 1. Hans Pedersen 13 år 2. Bendte Pedersdatter 20 år (værge: for begge faderen, tilsynsværge Anders Jørgensen, 21. sg., Poulsker). | Hansen, Peder (I7700)
49752 | OBS! Efterfølgende er alternativer IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0 Denmark -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JENS LARSEN Christening: 20 JUL 1679 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: LARS JENSEN JENS LARSEN Christening: 25 SEP 1687 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: LAURIDS NIELSEN Family JENS LARSEN Christening: 22 FEB 1691 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: LAURIDS CHRISTENSEN Family JENS LARSEN Christening: 17 DEC 1693 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: LAURIDS CHRISTENSEN IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0 Denmark -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNE MADSEN Christening: 09 JAN 1670 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: MADS KLOCHER Family ANNE MADSEN Christening: 04 MAY 1690 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: MADS KLEIN Family ANNE MADSEN Christening: 12 JUN 1692 Skelby, Praesto, Denmark Father: MADS KLEIN | Lauridsen, Jens (I6903)
49753 | OBS! Registreringerne er ufuldstændige i omfang og indhold i perioden 1744-1749. Det er derfor sandsynligt, at Jacob Pedersen er født før 1750. | Pedersen, Jacob (I20730)
49754 | OBS! Troligen fel syster - det står Annika. | Familie: Olof Olofsson Kaikkalainen / Valborg Staffansdotter Purainen (F13442)
49755 | OBS: Alder ved begravelse i kirkebog stemmer ikke med fødetidspunkt, der kan derfor være tale om ejl. | Sommer, Peder Jensen (I11643)
49756 | Occupation: Bailiff (Herredsfoged) | Schröder, Hans (I6689)
49757 | Occupation: Chief Justice (Landsdommer). Reference: KGD | Nielsen, Sevid (I215)
49758 | Occupation: Co-Justice (Meddommer) | Gagge, Peder (I6704)
49759 | Occupation: Councilman (Rådmand) for Reference: HA/BO note A shipping-agent Claus Kames (also spelled Kamitz) moved to Bornholm from Scotland, where Kames was a fishing-villiage on the Clyde River in the Greenoch region. Records show he was a Councilman in Rønne in 1584. Probably owned St. Almegård, 26' Slg. in Knudsker parish. He must have been a man of wealth and position in order for his daughter Elsebeth to have married the nobleman Henning Gagge. 1558 Skibsreder i Rønne Skibsreder, tilflyttet Bornholm fra Skotland, hvor Kames er en fiskerby ved Clyde ud for Greenoch. Synes at have ejet Almegård. | Kames, Claus (I230)
49760 | Occupation: Dean (Provst) for Bornholm. Hans Sode was parish clergyman (sognepræst) for Nyker parish from 1662, then Dean (Provst) of Bornholm from 1682 until his death. | Sode, Hans Jensen (I759)
49761 | Occupation: Dean (Provst) for Bornholm. Jens Pedersen Lesler for a time held the position of secretary, writing reports for Bornholm's Landsting. The Landsting is roughly equivalent to a Senate, it no longer exists in Denmark. | Lesler, Jens Pedersen (I6827)
49762 | Occupation: Farm-owner (Gårdejer) Elline Jørgensdatter was the owner of Frigård, 12. Vdg. in Poulsker parish, she inherited the farm from her father. | Jørgensdatter, Elline (I639)
49763 | Occupation: Farm-owner (Gårdejer) Reference: note Hans Kjøller was the owner of Kjøllergård, 13' Slg. Ibsker. No children. | Kjøller, Hans Clausen (I164)
49764 | Occupation: Farm-owner (Gårdejer) Reference: note Jacob Clausen Kjøller inherited Skovholm estate in Ibsker parish after his brother Christen Kjøller. Obtained the rank of Major in the army. | Kjøller, Jacob Clausen (I165)
49765 | Occupation: Farm-owner (Gårdejer) Reference: note Rasmus Köller had no children. He owned Kjøllergård, 13' Slg. in Ibsker from circa 1562-74. | Köller, Rasmus (I190)
49766 | Occupation: Land-owner (Proprietær) Reference: note Hans Madsen Kofoed was married to the daughter of Claus Gagge and his wife Sophie Pors; Claus Gagge was feudal lord (lensmand) of Sjælland. They both died of plague in 1654. The Gagge family-line was of the titled nobility; their coat-of-arms depicts a vertically divided shield with half of a black mill-cogwheel on the left half, and a silver truss on the right; on top of the shield is a helmet with two vesselhorns in silver and black. Ejer af: 6. vrgd. Klinteby, Ibsker 1. vrgd. Ll. Myregård, Åker 5. vrgd. Smyggegård, Åker 11. vrgd. Grødbygård, Åker 11. vrgd. Vestergård, Pedersker | Koefoed, Hans Madsen (I762)
49767 | Occupation: Land-owner (Proprietær) Reference: note Peder Madsen Kofoed is mentioned in records dating from 1575; he is thought to have died before 1585. He owned Kyndegård, which is classified as a "frigård". | Kofoed, Peder Madsen (I157)
49768 | Occupation: Land-owner (Proprietær) | Kofoed, Karine Hansdatter (I143)
49769 | Occupation: Mayor (Borgmester) of Rønne. Drowned on a seavoyage to Copenhagen. It is not known with certainty who Mads Jensen Kofoed's (born possibly 1513? or 1517?- died before 1573, possibly 1552?) parents were: The historian Giessing, in 1786, states that Mads Jensen Kofoed was the son of Jens Madsen Kofoed and grandson of Mads Jensen Kofoed of Hasle. According to Julius Bidstrup's "Familien Koefoed A og B" (published in 1887) his parents might be Jens Madsen Kofoed and Johanne Thygesdatter, but he is not certain. Also, Jørn Klindt in his book "På sporet af de første Kofod'er" (published in 1979) has his doubts on this matter, and can not state for a fact that any of this is true. Current evidence suggests that it is likely that Mads Jensen Kofoed was born 1513 in Lund, Skåne province; however, his parentage is still far from certain. In 1572 a meeting was held by Bornholm's Parliament to establish who had the right to the status of "Frimand" (Free-man) on Bornholm: Mads Jensen Kofoed's sons Jens and Hans Kofoed were in attendance at that meeting. Of course, that meeting had a broader purpose: a war in which Lübeck and Danmark had fought side-by-side had ended two years previously, and there was another three years before the Lübeck 50 year claim to Bornholm was to expire; although Lübeck claimed that it had been given a further 50 years. In this predicament it was wise for the King to establish locally situated allies; and Bornholm's influential free-men, who normally would have been snubbed by the King and the true nobility, were now in a position to receive benevolent treatment from the Danish government. At the "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men named as being in attendance: the brothers Jens and Hans Madsen Kofoed, Peder Poulsen Kofoed, Oluf Bagge, Peder Uf, Peder Myre, Jørgen Gagge, also ten other men only listed by their father's name; and at which occassion three Danish Parlimentary advisers (Rigsråder) had been sent to preside over the meeting. The Kofoeds had no written proof of their free-men status; they were only able to give heartfelt and solemn words about faithful service. It seems they had an inkling of things to come, and therefore begged the King not to let himself be "seduced" by Lübeck's representative Sweder Ketting, "because you might expect that Lübeck only plotted to keep our island under their yoke." This is the first record in which we find the Kofoeds being mentioned as "frimænd". We know that they were related to Oluf Bagge and Peder Uf, and probably to several of the others. The question remains: did they already have claim to free-man status, or did they take advantage of the King's need for loyal followers - seeking acknowledgement of that status from their peers on Bornholm? It seems that they had to make certain commitments to the King in exchange for the full rights to free-man status. Two of the newly appointed free-men had an important mission to Lübeck the following year. On September 6, 1573 King Frederik 2. wrote a letter to Lübeck stating: "Our citizens, the brothers Peter and Jens Kofoth" have applied to Lübeck's government for verification of their vital statistics, so as, among other things, they are free to serve their King - who then requests the Lübeck council to give sympathetic consideration to their case and verify their births in Lübeck's records. We often find such vital statistics proofs attached to the documents in probate court cases, they were actually signed by the parish "Elders" before the church parish registers (kirkebøger) came into use. They were especially essential if disagreement arose among the heirs. In the Lübeck family registry for 1573 we find the following entry: Kofoedt, Matthias, dead before 1573 on Bornholm, his wife: Johanna; their children: Peter, Jens, Boel - married to Oluf Bagge; Anneke - married to Michael Abraham. The reason that the family is registered in Lübeck exactly in 1573 is of course the application the brothers made that same year for their vital statistics. According to Jørn Klindt's "På sporet af de første Kofod'er" it appears that Gunhild Uf and Mads Kofoed were already married by 1547. The Lübeck legal-registry of 1573 states that a woman named Johanne was Mads Kofoed's wife and mother to four of his children; so accordingly it is not absolutely certain who was the mother of which of Mads Kofoed's children. The fact that in 1573 Johanne was stated as the mother of Mads Kofoed's children may be a reflection of their legal relationship, rather than blood ties. Nor is it known for a fact which wife came first: Gunhild Uf or Johanne Jensdatter Myre? The exact birth years of his children are not known, but they are all thought to have been born between 1540-50. Jørn Klindt further writes that more information about Mads Kofoed is surely there to be found in the archives of København, or in Gottorp and Potsdam - where the remnants of Lübeck's archives are now held. As mayor for Rønne township Mads Kofoed was an influential man on Bornholm, so it would be rather peculiar if there weren't more traces of him to be found. It could be that he is the same person as the Mads Kofoed known to have died during a sea-voyage to København in 1552. Part of the difficulty in answering this question lies in the fact that one Lübeck entry states he died "before 1573" and another states "in 1573"; which is correct and which in error? Mr. Klindt asks the following questions: What was the case of the vital statistics about? Why was it that Hans Kofoed, who on Bornholm was considered to be Jens Kofoed's brother, did not appear on the 1573 Lübeck registry as part of the family? But, of course, who will research this? Who has the ability, resources, inclination, and time? His son Jens Kofoed is known to have died in 1625, an old man around 80 years old. The same is said of Hans Kofoed who died in 1623, and he is with greater certainty considered to be the son of Gunhild Uf, as he is not mentioned in the Lübeck registry of 1573 as a son of Johanna and Mads Kofoed. Hans Kofoed has been listed by Bornholm's first historian Rasmus Ravn (who lived from 1603-77) to be the brother of the Judge Jens Madsen Kofoed; that he was not listed in the Lübeck family registry of 1573 makes for a stronger case that he was in fact half-brother to Jens Madsen Kofoed. Further proof that the two men were brothers can be seen by the fact that Hans Kofoed's sons were made the heirs to Jens Madsen Kofoed's property. Chief Justice Jens Kofoed had no direct heirs at the time of his death, so the four sons of his brother Hans Kofoed, and a certain Albert Hansen - on account of his wife Karina Mikkelsdatter, were made heirs to his reportedly large fortune. For who else was there left in 1625 to inherit? His brother Peder had long since died, as well as his children. His sister Boel's children with Oluf Bagge had left the island. His sister Anneke had married a Michael/Mikkel Abraham, a common Bornholm name, and so a daughter from their marriage would have been known as "Mikkelsdatter", which leads us to Karina being Jens Kofoed's niece. Working from the facts as I know them leads me to the following two possible senarios: 1) That Johanne Jensdatter Myre was Mads Jensen Kofoed's first wife, they probably married around 1540; they had four children and before 1547 Johanne dies. Around 1547 Mads Kofoed marries Gunhild Uf - they have a son, Hans, born around 1547-50. 2) That Gunhild Uf was Mads Jensen Kofoed's first wife, they probably married around 1540; within a year of giving birth to Hans, around1542, Gunhild Uf died. Mads Kofoed then, around 1543, marries Johanne - with whom he had at least four children who lived to adulthood. The first senario is generally thought to be the most likely, but that is just a guess. The key to this question is: Were Gunhild Uf and Mads Jensen Kofoed married before or in 1547? In the land-registry testimony of Bornholm's Land- Register, dated May 22, 1522, is mentioned a P. Kofod as mayor of Rønne; but whether or not he was related to "Familien Koefoed A or B" is not known. (Høbertz, Documentation of Bornholm's History, p. 63) | Kofoed, Mads Jensen (I154)
49770 | Occupation: Mayor (Borgmester) of Rønne. Reference: KG1 note In 1598/99 Mads Ravn is recorded as being a merchant and skipper in Rønne. In 1608 he was Mayor for Rønne township. | Ravn, Mads Madsen (I144)
49771 | Occupation: Mayor (Borgmester) of Rønne. | Kofoed, Oluf Jensen (I184)
49772 | Occupation: Merchant (Købmand) | Ravn, Michel Madsen (I147)
49773 | Occupation: Parish Clergyman (Præst) Reference: KG2 note Jens Hansen Sode is believed to have come from the Danish province of Skåne. He was a student in Landskrona in 1629 and was rector of the Rønne latin-school, afterwards was parish clergyman for Hasle- Rutsker from 1632 until his death. He owned Krogholm, 32. Slg. in Rutsker parish. He died in 1654 of plague; in 1654 plague killed 133 in Hasle and 230 people in Rutsker parish. It is notable that four of his sons, circa 1670, were priests at the four Bornholm Round- Churches. Though the name of his wife is not recorded, it is known that she was the widow of Mikkel Olufsen. On the losses of Danish territories during the lifetime of Jens Hansen Sode: The Swedes had declared war on Danmark in 1643, invaded Jylland and Skåne and on June 29, 1644 defeated the Danish fleet. In the resulting "Treaty of Brømsebro" of 1645, Danmark ceded to Sverige/Sweden the provinces Jæmtland and Hærjedalen, the islands Åsel and Gotland, and the province Halland - the latter for thirty years (however, it was never returned). Later Skåne, Blekinge, and Bohus, all Danish provinces for hundreds of years, were lost to Sverige as a result of the "Peace of Roskilde", signed in 1658. The old territory of Skåne now comprises the counties (län) of Malmøhus and Christiansstad. On the history of the Lutheran Church in Danmark: The Reformation penetrated the Scandinavian countries in the early 1500s. The introduction of Protestantism was supported by merchants and peasants, and by devout priests who had become followers of Martin Luther. King Frederik 1. (reigned 1523-1533), who became quite religious in his later years, strongly promoted the establishment of the Lutheran Church. He allowed the leading Danish religious reformer, Hans Tavsen, to preach in the church at Viborg and ordered many Catholic churches in the region destroyed, despite violent protests. It was King Christian 3. (reigned 1534-1559), son of Frederik 1., who established the state Lutheran Church in Danmark. With the support of the Rigsråd - his advising council of lay members - the king ordered all Catholic property turned over to the crown and declared the Lutheran Church the national church of Danmark with the king as its head. From 1660 to 1849, a period of absolute monarchy in Danmark, all Danes were compelled to profess the Lutheran faith. | Sode, Jens Hansen (I6812)
49774 | Occupation: Parish Clergyman (Præst) Reference: KG2/JU note Jacob Jensen Sode was first married in 1669 in Olsker to the widow Margrethe Haagensdatter. Second marriage to Kirsten Christensdatter (1655-?). He was parish clergyman in St. Ol's Church for Olsker- Allinge parish from February 24, 1669 onward. | Sode, Jacob Jensen (I760)
49775 | Occupation: Parish Clergyman (Præst) | Olufsen, Michel (I6809)
49776 | Occupation: Parish Clergyman (Sognepræst). Reference: KG1 note Mads Ravn was parish clergyman for Poulsker from 1577 until his death in 1600; perhaps had been curate before 1577. | Ravn, Mads (I167)
49777 | Occupation: Ship's Captain (Skipper) | Ravn, Stephen Madsen (I168)
49778 | Occupation: Soldier (Soldat) Reference: note Mads (or Mathias) Jensen Kofoed is known to have had three children: Margrethe (died in childhood), Jens, and Oluf. At the time of his father's death he was a Lieutenant stationed at the new fortress on Christiansø. | Kofoed, Mathias Jensen (I104)
49779 | October 16, 1716: Fredagen den 16 October blef begrafvet Ingebor PederMadsens som var gammel 37 aar ringer 1 manet og 3 uger. | Sommer, Ingeborg Mogensdatter (I2358)
49780 | Oculi blev Jens Hansens søn af Skarø døbt noe Peder, til dåben fremført af Niels Hansens hustru ibid. Vidner var Morten Hansen, Peder Ibsen, Hans Mortensen, Niels Andersens og Anders Nielsens hustruer. | Jensen, Peder (I21834)
49781 | Oculi blev kristnet Hans Nielsen på Drejø 1 søn kaldet Niels. Faddere: præstekonen holdt til dåb. Jens Koch, Rasmus Strangesen, Rasmus Clausen, Hans Rasmussen, Voldborg Nielsdatter, Christen Hansen, Anders Ibsens kone, Hans Haar, Rasmus Andersens kone., alle på Drejø | Hansen, Niels (I21863)
49782 | Oculi, Niels Pedersen Stryers Dtr i Rønb. Johanne baaren af Niels Anders Hustru fra Bøejitze, Fadd: Hans Pedersen Stryers, Hans Nielsen Henric Skræderes og Sven Nielsens Hustruer i Rønnebek | Nielsdatter, Johanne (I18282)
49783 | Oda Jenny Marie Jensen, Sindshvilevej 11a 4, Forældre: Ugift Jenny Jensine Marie Petersen, 23 Aar, Sindshvilevej 11a, Faddere: Moderen, Fyrbøder Niels Andersen, Skyttegade, Madm. Marie Pedersen Sindshvilevej 11a Anmærkning: Jdm An. Hansen. Paa 10/12 Dagen paa Fødselsstedet hos Enken Petersen. Barnet døbes med Faderens Efternavn af hans skriftlig Tilladelse, Forældre viede 14-2-02 i Kristkirken | Jensen, Oda Jenny Marie (I6145)
49784 | Odense Amtsforvalteren, fæsteprotokol Niels Pedersen - Gaard i Raagelund, henlagt til Skovriderens løn 12/12 1740 fol III 23, overtaget fra Simon Ibsen (død), gifter sig med enken | Pedersen, Niels (I20244)
49785 | Odense Amtsforvalteren, skifteprotokol Anders Pedersen Hiort/Hjort i Raagelund 13 Feb 1761 pg 67 (4) 2WIFE: Maren Pedersdtr SIS: Karen Pedersdtr = Henrich Frederichsen i Uldrichsholms gods CH: Poul Henrichsen i Ladbye, Uldrichsholms gods (for his fader) (signed: Peder Henrichsen) Mette Pedersdtr (dod) = Lars Christophersen i Selleberg gods (dod) CH: Johanne Larsdtr (dod) = Poul Jorgensen i Fraugde Kierbye, Selleberg gods CH: Marie Poulsdtr 10 Edel Poulsdtr 6 wgd: Niels Jespersen i Aasum, Rytter gods 1WIFE: Ane Andersdtr (dod 3 Aug 1758 pg 65 (4) [Odense Amtsforvalter skpr; Book 4 1722-1794; film 50123] | Hiort, Anders Pedersen (I20162)
49786 | Odense Amtsforvalteren, skifteprotokol Maren Hansdatter - Raagelund Gaard no 5, 6/2 1756 fol IV 61, ingen livsarvinger, gift 1. gang med Simon Ibsen 18/7 1740 fol IV 27, gift 2. gang med Niels Pedersen | Hansdatter, Maren (I20243)
49787 | Odense Amtsforvalteren, skifteprotokol Maria Johansdatter - Raagelund By, 11/10 1796 fol V 2, gift 1. gang med Jørgen Hansen 2/8 1785 fol IV 87, gift 2. gang med Knud Rasmussen, gaardmand Enke: Knud Rasmussen, gaardmand i Rågelund Børn: 1. Hans Jørgensen, 14½ år, Knud Rasmussens stedsøn, FM: Klaus Andersen, Rågelund 2. Dorthea Knudsdatter, 8½ år, ingen pårørende på moderens side, FM: Hans Jørgensen, gaardmand af Radstrup | Johansdatter, Maria (I4190)
49788 | Odense Amtsforvalteren, skifteprotokol (Image 610) Jørgen Hansen - Rågelund 2/8 1785 fol IV 87, hans enke Marie Johansdatter eller Maren Hansdatter Enken: Maren Hansdatter, LV: Ludvig Knudsen Smed og selvejer husmand i Aasum Børn: 1. Hans Jørgensen, 3 år, FM: farbroderen Anders Hansen i Grynhuusene | Hansen, Jørgen (I4191)
49789 | Odense Amtsforvalters Gods, fæsteprotokol (Image 191) - Hartkorn 16 tdr 1 skp 2 alb Anders Pedersen - af Raagelund, gaard der 2/3 1723 fol III 8, overtaget fra Niels Jensen (død) | Hiort, Anders Pedersen (I20162)
49790 | Odense Amtsforvalters Gods, fæsteprotokol (Image 191) - Hartkorn 16 tdr 1 skp 2 alb, indfæstning 26 Rd 4 Mark Anders Pedersen - af Raagelund, gaard der 2/3 1723 fol III 8, overtaget fra Niels Jensen (død) Enken Margrete Hansdatter som er ved stæden haver formedelst hendes Alderdom og Skrøbeligheds skyld Goedvillig afstaaet til ermelte Anders Pedersen Gaarden. Hvorfoer hun og nyder fri Huus Værelse og underholdning sin lifs Tiid, effter dend Aparte imellem dennem oprettet foreening af 25 febr afvigte | Jensen, Niels (I20160)
49791 | Odense Amysforvalteren, skifteprotokol Hans Hansen - Raagelund, 22/5 1786 fol IV 89, gift med Karen Jørgensdatter Enke: Karen Jørgensdatter, LV: hendes bror Niels Jørgensen, gaardmand i Kølstrup børn: 1. Hans Hansen, 4 uger, FM: farbror Jeppe Hansen, gaardmand i Biskorup | Hansen, Hans (I20241)
49792 | Odense Byfoged Dødsanmeldelse, AOL-130 36, 31 august. Hansen, Niels Peter Overkelder 52 Gift Odense Kronprinsensgade 13 (gadenummer rettet og usikkert), 7/11 17 pag 30 *** Skifteprotokol Odense Byfoged 1917 DB30-1125/85 1919, opslag 30 AOL-32 336/1917-18 Gift Overkelner Niels Peter Hansens Dødsbo Fremlagt blev skrivelse af 25 f.M fra Enken Else Kirstine Hansen født Poulsen, der anmelder at hun i Henhold til et mellem Afdøde og hende under 29. Maj 1917 oprettet, notariaiter-attesteret Testamente som eneste og fuldmyndig Arving udem Skifterettens Mellemkomst overtager Boet efter Afdøde, der ikke har efterladt sig Livsarvinger til Privat Skifte og Deling. Anmeldelsen tages til Følge | Hansen, Niels Peter (I33568)
49793 | Odense Byfoged, Realregister til skøde- og panteprotokol II 1857 - II 1883, fol 421 AOL-24 Vestergade 21, 305 1828 23 juni, Brændevinsbrænder C.J. Clausen, Prot. 26 fol 28 1862 10 Februar, Skifteextract som Attest for de myndige Arvinger, Prot. 36 fol 76 1862 10 Februar, Solgt til Medarvingen Jeppe Peter Clausen, Prot. 36 fol 75 1870 7 Februar og 28 November, Kjøbecontr og Skøde til Skomager J.C.C. Huus, Prot. 38 fol 331, 473 | Familie: Claus Clausen / Maren Andersen (F11802)
49794 | Odense Gråbrødre hospital navneregister til skifteprotokol 1719-1816 Rasmus Jensen - Ladby hans enke Mette Andersdatter 11/9 1762 fol I 178 hun gift 2. gang med Marcus Nielsen 5/4 1783 fol II 142 ingen livsarvinger Afdøde: Rasmus Jensen, Ladbye Enke: Mette Andersdatter, LV: Knud Jørgensen, her i Byen Arvinger: Brødre 1. Hans Jensen, 69 år, boer her i byen 2. Peder Jensen, 65 år, Revninge på Lundsgaards Gods Søster 3. Maren Jensdatter, gift med Peder Rasmussen i Hoelev på Ulriksholm Gods ½ søsk 4. Jens Andersen, boende her i Byen 5. Anna Andersdatter, gift med Hans Rasmussen i Rynkeby på Selleborg Gods | Jensen, Rasmus (I18935)
49795 | Odense Gråbrødre Hospital, skifteprotokol Mette Andersdatter 1783 5/4 fol II 142 (Image 438) Enke: Marcus Nielsen Arvinger: 1. Een Heel Maren Andersdatter, død, var gift med Hans Jensen, gårdmand i Ladby, død Børn: 1. Jens Hansen, beboer forældrenes gård i Ladby 2. Karen Hansdatter, gift med Knud Jensen, gårdmand her i byen 3. Mette Hansdatter, gift med gårdmand Mads Laursen i Refninge 4. Anne Hansdatter, død, var gift med Hans Bendixsen, Tvindinge, Refninge Sogn Børn: 1. Maren Hansdatter, 30 år ugift tjenende Jacob Rasmussen, Skipper i Kerteminde 2. Bendix Hansen, gårdmand i Rynkeby 3. Anna Hansdatter, 23 år, ugift, tjener Niels Jensen i Tvindinge 5. Rasmus Hansen, død, var husmand her i byen Børn: 1. Christian Rasmussen, 8 år 2. Maren rasmusdatter, 13 år 3. Anna Kirstine Rasmusdatter, 5 år 6. Maren Hansdatter, ugift, hos broderen Jens Hansen, her i gården 2. Anna Andersdatter, har været gift med Christian Henrichsen, gårdmand i Kertinge, død Børn: 1. Henrich Christiansen, bebor forældrenes gård 2. Peder Christiansen, myndig, tjener broderen 3. Niels Christiansen, Husmand boende i Svindinge 4. Dorthea Christiansdatter, 25 år, i Munkebo præstegård 3. Margrethe Andersdatter, død, var gift med Jørgen Poulsen, gårdmand i Hundslev, død Børn: 1. Poul Jørgensen, myndig 2. Laurs Jørgensen, 23 år 3. Mette Jørgensdatter, gift med Hans Christophersen, gårdmand i Hundslev For det 2det gift med Søren Hansen i Hundslev Børn: 1. Jørgen Sørensen, 17 år tjener faderen | Andersdatter, Mette (I18934)
49796 | Odense Gråbrødre Hospitals Gods, skifteprotokol Maren Ibsdatter - Blangsted Mølle 1/2 1738 fol 62 (Image 71), gift med Peder Andersen | Ibsdatter, Maren (I20445)
49797 | Odense Gråbrødre Hospitals Gods, skifteprotokol Peder Andersen - Blangsted Mølle 26/10 1745 fol 94 (Image 103), gift med Anna Nielsdatter Bemærkning 1: Maren Ibsdatter skifte 1.2.1738 fol 62. Gift 1. gang med Christen Christensen Bemærkning 2: Anna Nielsdatter skifte 5.3.1763, fol 178. Gift 2. møller Hans Lauritzen skifte 12.10.1757, fol 154. Gift 3. møller Anders Andersen Enke: Anna Nielsdatter, LV: Jens Sørensen,? Børn: 1. Christen Pedersen 6½ år, FM: morbroder Laud Nielsen | Andersen, Peder (I20342)
49798 | Odense Herredsfoged, Realregister til Skøde- og panteprotokol 1871-1960, matr. 80a side 211nr. AOL-112 18. Oktober 1947 overtager Elisabeth Marie Cathrine Andersen Egetofte, matr. 80a, 48b, 1f m.fl. i henhold til skifteudskrift. | Østerbye, Elisabeth Marie Cathrine (I32281)
49799 | Odense Herredsfoged, Skøde- og panteprotokol 1882-1883, AOL-17 Meieriforpagter af Bruderupholm i Jylland Hans Peder Østerbye køber Egetofte, matr. 80a og 48b af Anders Andersens Enke Inger Davidsdatter Købekontrakt af 18 August 1882 og Skøde af 11.December 1882 | Østerbye, Hans Peder (I18567)
49800 | Odense Herredsfoged, Skøde- og panteprotokol 1883-1885, nr. 417 AOL-403 19. juni 1884 H.P. Østerbyes Enke Ane Østerby født Spandet registreres med adkomst til Egetofte, matr. 80a og 48b skifte, hvor hun sidder i uskiftet boe efter H.P. Østerbyes død. Dette registreres i forbindelse med hendes nye ægteskab med Jacob Hansen Stærmose. | Spandet, Ane (I18568)