Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Karen Madsdatter Kofoed

Karen Madsdatter Kofoed

Kvinde 1704 -

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Karen Madsdatter Kofoed blev født i 1704 i Svaneke (datter af Mads Poulsen Kofoed og Elsebeth Davidsdatter Wolfsen).

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Mads Poulsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1663 i Svaneke (søn af Poul Madsen Kofoed og Elsebye Hermansdatter Bohn); døde i 1736 i Svaneke; blev begravet den 29 okt. 1736.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Købmand i Svaneke

    Mads blev gift med Elsebeth Davidsdatter Wolfsen den 9 jan. 1687. Elsebeth blev født cirka 1667 i Svaneke; døde den 19 feb. 1727 i Svaneke. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 3.  Elsebeth Davidsdatter Wolfsen blev født cirka 1667 i Svaneke; døde den 19 feb. 1727 i Svaneke.
    1. Elsebe Madsdatter Kofoed blev født i 1688 i Svaneke; døde i 1736 i Rønne.
    2. Poul Ancher Madsen Kofoed blev født i 1691 i Svaneke; døde den 25 dec. 1769 i Nexø.
    3. Magdalene Margrethe Madsdatter Kofoed blev født i 1697 i Svaneke.
    4. 1. Karen Madsdatter Kofoed blev født i 1704 i Svaneke.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.  Poul Madsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1630 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn (søn af Mads Pedersen Kofoed og Karine Hansdatter Kofoed); døde i 1686 i Svaneke.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Borgmester i Svaneke
    • Skifte: 13 aug. 1686, Svaneke


    Kure (7. vgd. Store Egebygård i Åker)
    Poul Madsen Kofoed var borgmester og købmand i Svaneke. Betragtedes som øens rigeste mand. Har ikke boet her på gården. Efter Elsebeth Hermansdatter Bohns død giftede han sig igen med Magdalene Margrethe Heseler.

    Note(kopieret juli 2019 fra Norman Lee Madsens database)

    In 1673 Poul Kofoed, as mayor of Svaneke, used a seal with the cow-footimage in the arms, above which sat a tiny, not too martial-looking helmet sprouting (spirende) three flowers, and the initials "P.K.F.M." for: Poul KoFoed Madsen. Poul Kofoed was the taxpayer for Svanegård, 8' Vdg. Ibsker, in 1674.

    From the Øster Herred Tingbog 1674-1681:
    January 11, 1675, page 7b: . . . for Anno 1674: . . . Ibschier sogen: . .. Waarneder: . . . 8. Pouel Koefoed, 9 Dr. 3 Mk. 2 Sk. . . .

    March 12, 1677, page 88a-88b: Øster Herridtz Restandz, for Anno 1676: .. . Ibskier Sogen: . . . Varneder: . . . 8. Poul Kofoed, 9 Dr. 2 Mk. 15Sk. . . .

    From Bornholm's Militia register of 1678:
    Rictig fortegnelse af mandtall paa Svanniche Borgerschab som følger. Først Byens Øffrighed: Povell Koefoed - Borgermester, Peder Koefoed -Raadmand, Hans Lejedring - Raadmand, David Wolsen - Raadmand och Capetain, Anders Thiesen - Raadmand och Lieutenant, Hans Dich - Fendrich, Bent Mortensen - Sargiant, Mads Andersen - Corporall, Anders Hop -Corporal, Lauridz Erichsen - Tambuer. Constabler: Sander Dich, Peder Olufsen, Jens Erichsen, Peder Andersen. Rodemester: Jochum Thiesen. . . .

    From the Åker-Åkirkeby kirkebog:
    July 13, 1662: Communiceret, Dnc. 7 Trin. Povel Kofod af Svaneche holdt Brøllup med Elsebe Hermandsdat. Bohne i Rønne.

    June 4, 1669: Communicantes, 4 Jun. Povl Kofods af Svaneke og Malene Margrete Hesslers festensøe paa Slottet.

    Mention of Poul Kofoed and his son Herman Kofoed in the probate for Erich Jacobsen, March 3, 1693, page 1215b:
    Anno 1693 dend 3 Marty er efter loulig giorde tillysning, holden registering og vurdering sampt skifte og deeling, efter sal. Erich Jacobsen, som boede, og døde paa dend 20 Jord Eiendoms gaard beliggende udi Boelsker Sogn. . . Hermand Koefoed i Suaniche lod og fordre som ham skal være tilfalden efter sin sal. fader sal. Borgemester Poul Koefoed. .. .

    Mention of Poul Kofoed and his son Morten Kofoed in the probate of Hans Olufsen, June 19, 1700, page 63:
    Anno 1700 den 19 Juny er efter louglig giorde tillysning holden registering og vurdering sampt schifte og liquidation evter salig Hans Ollufsen som boede og døde paa denne 33 Jord Eyendombs gaard beliggende i Pillene udi Boelsker Sogn. . . Stads Capitanen i Suanicke Segr. Morten Kofod fremlagte it Pandtebref, udgifuet til hans sal. fader Borgemester Pouel Kofod, datterit dend 17 Febr. 1679, med denne sal. mand Hans Ollufsens egen haand underskrefuen. . . .

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Skiftet kendes ikke, men det er nævnt i skifte efter Christian Maccabeus 1688.

    Poul blev gift med Elsebye Hermansdatter Bohn den 13 jul. 1662 i Rønne Kirke. Elsebye (datter af Herman Mortensen Bohn og Barbara Jørgensdatter) blev født cirka 1643 i Rønne; døde cirka 1669 i Svaneke. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 5.  Elsebye Hermansdatter Bohn blev født cirka 1643 i Rønne (datter af Herman Mortensen Bohn og Barbara Jørgensdatter); døde cirka 1669 i Svaneke.
    1. 2. Mads Poulsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1663 i Svaneke; døde i 1736 i Svaneke; blev begravet den 29 okt. 1736.
    2. Morten Poulsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1665 i Svaneke; døde i 1750 i Svaneke.

Generation: 4

  1. 8.  Mads Pedersen Kofoed blev født cirka 1600 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn (søn af Peder Poulsen Kofoed og Inger Pedersdatter); døde i 1646 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Proprietær
    • Skifte: 2 nov. 1646


    Note(kopieret juli 2019 fra Norman Lee Madsens database)

    Mads Kofoed inherited ownership rights to Koefoedgård, which he took over with a deed of conveyance dated July 10, 1630, from his brother Oluf Kofoed, who had managed the farm while his brother Mads was under-age. Mads Kofoed was continually plagued by financial difficulties; on March1 3, 1624, he had to sell part ownership of a farm in Østerlars parish which was his wife's property. After his wife Karine Kofoed Hansdatter died (sometime between 1637 and 1645) his debt grew again, as he was obliged to pay out to his children their maternal inheritance.

    Mads Kofoed must have remarried, as court records from after his death in 1646 inform us that he left behind a widow named "Karrine Hansdatter". According to the probate the farm's buildings were old and in poor repair; the house and adjascent buildings were only appraised at 700 silver Daler.

    After he died probate was held on November 2, 1646, and it tells us that the farm buildings were very run-down and the total value of the property was not more than 700 silver Daler. Those who have studied his judgements have come away with the impression that he, as far as possible, supported the lower-courts and was often swayed by them. Also, it is noted that many of the officials for the lower-court seemed to gradually become members of the Kofoed-family!

    The evidence that Mads Kofoed's first wife, Karine, was a member of the Kofoed-family can be found in the above mention document dating March 13, 1624, wherein "Mads Kofoed af Østermarie Sogn paa min hustrus vegner "(Mads Kofoed of Østermarie parish on his wife's behalf) sold, along with his brothers-in-law, a farm in Østerlars to " deres bror, Peder Kofoed, Raadmand i Rønne" (their brother, Peder Kofoed, Alderman in Rønne). There is no known evidence as to the coat-of-arms or seal used by Mads Kofoed; however, since both his father's gravestone and his son Poul Kofoed Madsen, of Svaneke, used the cow-foot image we can assume that this was used by Mads Kofoed as well.

    From the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1631-1641:
    Mandtal och Forklarings Register offuer Spindpennge Skatten aff Hammershus Lehn, for Ao. 1637 och Anno 1638. . . . Østermarck Sogn: . . .23. Madz Kofod.

    From the Hammershus Ekstraskattemandtaller, 1640-1645:
    Mandtall och Schatte Register paa den Amindelige pendinge Schatt som Miening Bønder och Alffmue offuer Boringholmb, vdgaff thill Martiny Anno 1640. . . . Østermarck Sogenn: . . . 23. Jens Andersen.

    Mandtall och Skatte Register paa de Almindelige Pendinge Schatt som Kongl. May. och Adelens Bønder och Thienere offuer Hammershuus Leen paa Boringholmb vdgaff thil Johannes Daug Anno 1640. . . . Østermarch Sogen:. . . 23. Madz Kofod.

    Mandtal och Forklarings Register offuer Baadsmens Skatten aff Hammershus Lehn for Ao. 1640 til S. Johanni Dag. . . . Østermarck Sogen: . . . 23. Madz Kofoed.

    Mandtall och Skatte Register paa den Almindelige Pendinge Schatt som Kong. May. och Adelenhe Thienere offuer Borringholmbs Leen vdgaff till Michely Anno 1641. . . . Østermarck Sogenn: . . . 23. Madz Kofod.

    Mandtall och Schatte Register paa Fastelauffns Kongschatt Anno 1641 somBønder och Meeninge Alffmue offuer Boringholmbs Leen, vdgaff: . . .Østermarch Sogen: . . . 23. Jens Andersen.

    Mandtall och forklaring offuer Goedzmends schatten aff Boringholmbs Leenoch kiøbstede till Johanj 1641. . . . Østermarck Sogen: . . . 23. Madz Koefoed.

    Mandtall och Schatte Register paa din Almindelige Pendinge Schatt, somKongl. May. och Adelens Bønder och Thienere paa Boringholmb, wdgaff, til Fastelauffuen och Johany Anno 1642. . . . Østermarck Sogenn: . . . 23. Madz Kofod.

    Mandtal och Skatte Register paa dend almindelige pendinge skatt, somKongl. Maytts. och Adelens Bønder och Thiennere offuer Hammershus Lehnpaa Borringholmb wdgaff till Martinj Anno 1642. . . . Østermarck Sogen: .. . 23. Matz Kofod. . . . Møller Vden Auffl: Matz Kofod.

    Mandtall och forclarings register, paa Boedtzmends Schatten offuerBoringholms Leen, till S. Johanj daugh Anno 1642. . . . Østermarck Sogen:. . . 23. Mads Koefoed.

    Mandtal och Skatte Register paa dend Almindelige Pendinge Schatt somKongl. Maytt. och Adelens Bønder och Tiennere offuer Hammershuus Lehnnpaa Borringholmb, wdgaff till Johannj Anno 1643. . . . Østermarck Sogenn:. . . 23. Matz Kofod.

    Mandtall och Skatte Register paa den Almindelige Pendinge Schatt, somKongl. Maytt. och Adelens Bønder och Thienner offuer Hammershus Lehn paaBorringholm, vdgaff till Paasche Anno 1644. . . . Østermarch Sogen: . . .23. Matz Kofoed.

    From the Hammershus Ekstraskattemandtaller, 1646-1651:
    Mandtall och Schate Register paa dend Paabuene, Korn Schadt, som Ko. Maytts. och Adellens Bønder och tienere offuer Hammershuuszlehn paa Borringholmb, vdgaff til Santj Michels Daug Anno 1646. . . . Østermarck Sogen: . . . 23. Madz Koefoed.

    Mandtall och Schate Register, paa dend allmindelig kaaber schatt, som Ko. Ma. och Adelens Bønder och Tiennere offuer Hammerszhuusz Lehn paa Borringholmb, vdgaff til Sanctj Michels Dag Ao. 1646. . . . Østermark Sogen: . . . 23. Madz Koefoed.

    Mandtall och Schate Register paa dend Almindelige Pendinge Sckat, som Kong. Maytts. och Adelens Bønder och tienere offuer Hammerszhuusz Lehn paa Borigholmb, vdgaff till tuende terminer. Nemblig til Sanctj MichelsDaug och till Martinj Ao. 1646. . . . Østermark Sogen: . . . 23. Madz Koefoed.

    Mandtals register paa dend almindelig pendinge schatt; som Kongl. Maytts. och Adellens Bønder och tienere offuer Hammerszhuusz Lehn paa Boringholmb schulle vdgiffue dend halffue part till Michaelis och dend halffue part till Martini 1647. . . . Østermarck Sogen: . . . 23. Madz Koefoed.

    From the Hammershus Ekstraskattemandtaller, 1651-1659:
    Mandtal och forklaringh register offuer Baadzmend Schatten och Spindpenge aff Hammershus Lehn bereignet fra Philipi Jacobi 1658 til Phil. 1659. . .. Østermarch sogen: . . . 23. Madz Kofod.

    [Note: The above "mandtal og forklaring register over bådsmænd skatten og spindepenge" (census and register of the sailor's tax and spinning wages) appears to be based on taxpayers for the listed farms circa 1642, not 1658-59.]

    Richtig forteignelse, paa huis til mig er ytt och leffuerit, aff Østeroch Nørre Herridtz resstantz, som resterit och forfalden var udj de Suensches regerings tid som var før Anno 1658. . . . Østermarcher Sogen:. . . Den 23. Hans Kofod, penge - 2 Mk.

    From Bornholm's Jordebog, April 19, 1661:
    Suaneke: Peder Koefod. . . Tolff tønder. Pouel Koefod. . . Tiuge tønder.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, Canada.

    Mads blev gift med Karine Hansdatter Kofoed cirka 1620. Karine (datter af Hans Madsen Kofoed og xxx Clausdatter Kjøller) blev født cirka 1602 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde cirka 1640 i 23. sgd. Kofoedsgård, Østermarie Sogn. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 9.  Karine Hansdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1602 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn (datter af Hans Madsen Kofoed og xxx Clausdatter Kjøller); døde cirka 1640 i 23. sgd. Kofoedsgård, Østermarie Sogn.


    Occupation: Land-owner (Proprietær)

    1. Peder Kofoed blev født cirka 1622 i Koefoedgård, Østermarie, Bornholm, Danmark; døde i 1687 i Svaneke, Bornholm, Danmark; blev begravet den 18 maj 1687 i Svaneke Churchyard, Bornholm.
    2. Johanne Madsdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1625 i Koefoedgård, Østermarie, Bornholm, Danmark; døde i 1648-1691 i Kjøllergård, Østermarie, Bornholm, Danmark.
    3. 4. Poul Madsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1630 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde i 1686 i Svaneke.
    4. Hans Madsen Kofoed blev født den 24 dec. 1634 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde i 1704 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; blev begravet den 21 jan. 1704.
    5. Hans Kofoed Madsen blev født den 24 dec. 1634 i Koefoedgård, Østermarie, Bornholm, Danmark; døde i 1704 i Koefoedgård, Østermarie, Bornholm, Danmark; blev begravet den 21 jan. 1704 i Østermarie Churchyard, Bornholm.
    6. Elsebye Madsdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1637 i Koefoedgård, Østermarie, Bornholm, Danmark; døde den 3 feb. 1672 i Svaneke, Bornholm, Danmark.

  3. 10.  Herman Mortensen Bohn blev født i 1620 i Rønne (søn af Morten Henningsen Bohn); døde i 1668 i Rønne.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane .11.1605


    borgmester og købmand

    Herman blev gift med Barbara Jørgensdatter den 10 jan. 1641. Barbara blev født i 1611; døde i jan. 1685 i Rønne. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  4. 11.  Barbara Jørgensdatter blev født i 1611; døde i jan. 1685 i Rønne.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane .11.1606

    1. Morten Hermansen Bohn blev født den 10 jul. 1652 i Rønne; døde i 1725 i Hasle; blev begravet den 31 jul. 1725.
    2. 5. Elsebye Hermansdatter Bohn blev født cirka 1643 i Rønne; døde cirka 1669 i Svaneke.

Generation: 5

  1. 16.  Peder Poulsen Kofoed blev født i 1548 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn (søn af Poul Kofoed og nn Ibsdatter); døde i 1616 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Proprietær


    Kure (23. sgd. Kofodsgård, Østermarie)

    Peder Kofoed var den første der med sikkerhed vides at have boet på Kofodsgård i Østermarie. Se "På sporet af de første Kofod'er" side 77.
    Efter Elsebeth Gagges død arvede han hendes særeje, da der ikke var mandlige arvinger efter hende. Det var 14.- 16.- 17. og 25. Vornedegårde i Aaker sogn. Lod i 1604 støbe en ny klokke til kirken i Østermarie.
    Peder Kofoed betegnede sig selv som frimand fra 1608 og førte et bomærke i sit segl. Han deltog i adelens hyldning af Prins Christian i Lund. Da han havde fået de 4 gårde med Elsebeth Gagge, der var en "frij Quinse", måtte han efter hendes og børnenes død ansøge kongen om tilladelse til at beholde disse gårde, hvilket blev ham bevilget i kongeligt brev dateret den 3. Juli 1598. I 1606 fik han chancen til at erhverve sig en rigtig frimandsgård, nemlig den ofte nævnte sædegaard, Baggård i Klemensker, som han købte af Niels Bagge. Nu kunne Peder Kofoed mødes på lige fod med de andre frimænd.
    Han blev begravet inde i Østermarie kirke med sine to hustruer. Ved alteret i den nedrevne Østermarie Kirke har der ligget en gravsten med initialerne "P.K." (Peder Kofoed) og foden af en ko i våbnet, "E.H.G.D." (Elsebeth Henning Gagges Datter) med et våben, muligvis Gaggernes våben og IPHD og et ukendt våben, men antagelig en gedekæbe, også kaldet en "hummerklo", som brugtes af Myreslægten. Våbenskjoldene fandtes på 3 kobberplader, der var boltet i gravstenen, men disse er bortkomne og der er kun hullerne tilbage i gravstenen. (Se Bornholms Kirker side 484.) -
    Peders anden hustru Inger Pedersdatter var datter af Peder Hansen Myhre, adelsmand, født på 6. Vdg. i Ibsker. Ejede bl. andet Myhreslægtens sædegaard 4. Vdg. Store Myregård i Aaker, som gik i arv til hans søster Mette Hansdatter Myhre, samt Simlegård i Klemensker, fordi han ikke havde nogle sønner. Det var hende, der antagelig brugte en geddekæbe i sit våbenskjold i gravstenen i den gamle Østermarie Kirke. (AaK)

    Note (Overført juli 2019 fra Norman Lee Madsens database)

    From the earliest records on Peder Kofoed we see that he was a "Selvejerbonde" (tax-paying freehold farm-owner) without the "Frimand" (freeman) privileges his cousins around Rønne enjoyed. Peder Kofoed fathered five children in his first marriage, to Elsebeth Gagge: one son and four daughters; she and all of their children died in 1585. After Elsebeth Gagge died he inherited her property, as she left no male child to inherit her property. The properties were the 14', 16', 17' and 25'Vornedegårde (Vdg.) in Åker parish (and as well he owned a mill). As Elsebeth Gagge's status was that of a "frij Quinse" (= fri Kvinde, a free woman) it was necessary to obtain Royal permission to keep the farms. This was granted to him by Royal decree on July 3, 1598; however, this did not make Peder a Freeman, but he did obtain something equally as good: The king's decree of July 3, 1598 (see below) gave him the right to own those farms "as free as anyone else on Bornholm owned his farm".

    From the "Urkunden zur Geschichte der Insel Bornholm 1327-1621: 1566 -1621", by Jens Rasmussen Hübertz, Volume 2, page 532:
    Nr. 377. 1598 3 Juli. Peder Koefod skal have sit Gods frit. Chr. IV etc. Peder Koefoed har ladet andrage, at han havde ægtet en fri Quinde, og med hende faaet noget Jordegods, og efter hendes Død arvet samme med hans Børn, og siden efter deres Død arvet disse; men hans Hustrues Broder, som er en Riddermands Mand, har gjort Fordring paa samme Gods. Da der imidlertid er giort dem en Contract imellem, at han maa beholde bemeldte Gods, om Kongen vil unde ham det, saa bevilges ham dette "och hand och hands Arffuinger dett saa friit att beholde, som andre der paa Landet der frie Folch ere", etc. (Langeb. og en anden Affkr. i Diplom. i Geh. Arch. Conf. Skaanske Reg. Nr. 3 fol. 70. a.)

    Christian IV's brother-in-law, the Holstein Duke Johan Adolf, a well educated and enlightened nobleman, visited Koefoedgård in 1602 together with five squires and their entourage: "as many as could be seated around four long tables". Although the affair totalled a hefty 22 Rigsdaler, Peder Kofoed could not but praise God for his good fortune in making the aquaintance of such an important and influential man. To do this he shared the cost of manufacturing a magnificient new bell dedicated to the church in Østermarie in 1604. It is one of two bells that ring for the people in Østermarie to this very day.

    It was unthinkable to have Koefoedgård converted to "frigård" (free-farm) status; however, as it was now established that Peder had the right to own Freeman's property, it was possible to obtain land already designated as such. Finally in 1606 he got the opportunity to buy the Freeman's estate of Baggegård in Klemensker parish. Now "Peder Kofoed af Baggaard" could met on equal footing with the other Freemen of Bornholm.

    In 1572 a meeting was held by Bornholm's Parliament to establish who had the right to the status of "frimand" on Bornholm. Of course, that meeting had a broader purpose: a war in which Lübeck and Denmark had fought side-by-side had ended two years previously, and there was another three years before the Lübeck 50 year claim to Bornholm was to expire; although Lübeck claimed that it had been given a further 50 years. In this predicament it was wise for the King to establish locally situated allies; and Bornholm's influential freemen, who normally would have been snubbed by the king and the true nobility, were now in a position to receive benevolent treatment from the Danish crown.

    At the "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men namedas being in attendance: 1. Jacob Iversen, Landsdommer; 2. Mester Peder W(= Peder [Mogensen] Uf); the brothers 3. Peder Hansen; and 4. BentHansen; 5. Jørgen Pedersen; 6. Peder (Madsen) Kofoed; 7. Oluf Madsen; 8.Oluf Bagge; 9. Hans Mogensen, as he was away at the king's court he wasrepresented by his father Mogens Hansen; 10. Peder (Hansen) Myre; 11.Jørgen Gagge; 12. Berent Hansen (= Berild Hansen); 13. Laurids Pedersen;14. Jens (Madsen) Kofoed; 15. Christen (Clausen) Kiøller; 16. PederHansen (Uf); and 17. Hans (Madsen) Kofoed. Three advisers to the DanishParliment (Rigsråder) had been sent to preside over the meeting, namely:Biørn Kaas of Starupgaard, Biørn Andersen of Stenholt, and Jørgen Marsvinof Dybæk. The group expressed heartfelt and solemn words about faithfulservice to the crown; and it seems they had an inkling of things to come,and therefore begged the King not to let himself be "seduced" by Lübeck'srepresentative Sveder Ketting, "because you might expect that Lübeck onlyplotted to keep our island under their yoke." This was during the periodin which Bornholm was strongly under the influence (and rulership) of theHanseatic League free-city of Lübeck; the Bornholmers felt greatly putupon by the high taxes, unfair rules, and high-handedness of theLübeckers. Contrary to the opinion of latter historians they must haveconvinced the envoys, as on the 9th of September the freemen were grantedthe right to gather shipwrecks from the beaches, hunt in the woods, aswell as given full authority over their servants - a great victory forthe freemen.

    This is the first record in which we find the Kofoeds being mentioned as "frimænd". We know that they were related to Oluf Bagge and Peder Uf, and probably to several of the others. The question remains: did they already have claim to freeman status, or did they take advantage of the King's need for loyal followers - seeking acknowledgement of that status from their peers on Bornholm? It seems that they had to make certain commitments to the King in exchange for the full rights to freeman status.

    Peder Kofoed, named as a "Frimand", was one of the delegates who on May 6, 1608, in København, selected and confirmed Prince Christian as the future King of Denmark. He, along with four other Bornholmers, took part in the following festivities in Lund, Skåne province (now part of Sverige/Sweden), where the nobility swore their allegiance to Prince Christian in the year 1610.

    Their written authorization to attend reads as follows:
    "We, the hereafter stated signatories: Jens Kofoedt of Kyndegaard, Hanns Kofoedt of Blykobbegaard, Peder Koefoedt of Bagisgaard, Matz Koefoedt of Eskiilsgaard, and Niels Beriildsen of Gadebygaard, all Freemen of Borringholm, and present here together hereby declare. . . The honest and noble man: Hanns Lindenow, Commander of Hammershus Fortress, has according to our consent, requested these two persons: the honourable Hans and Poffuill Koefoedt to travel to Kiöbenhaffn with our authorized document and be our representatives (at Prince Christian's election). . .as further documentation we have in our own handwriting signed and sealed this our open-letter."

    The above letter is dated: "Borringholm, 6 Maij, Anno 1608" With the signatures of: Jenns Koefoedt, Hans Kofod, Peder Koefoedt, Matz Koefoedt, Jacob Køller, Hans Berillsenn, Niels Berendtzen.

    From the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1580-1617:
    Indtegtt och wdgifftt paa Hammershus Slott paa Borneholm paa Kong. May. wegne, thett aar fra Philippj Jacobj dag Ao. 1602 till Phillippj Jacobjdag Ao. 1603. . . . Penninge giffued for fremmede herrers fartering: Thend 24 December er giffuen Peder Koefoed for høgbaarne Hertug Johan Adolffs, och hans med haffuendis folckis fartering, wdj hans hus effter hans beuisis lydelse - 22 Rigs Daller.

    The above entry translated to English:
    Revenue and disbursements for Hammershus Castle on Bornholm on behalf of His Royal Majesty, in the year from May 1, 1602 until May 1, 1603. . . .Money given for foreign gentlemen's travel: On 24 December [1602] given by Peder Koefoed for high-born Duke Johan Adolf and his companion's travel, in his house after his proven testimony - 22 Rigsdaler.

    Indtegt och wdgifft paa Hammershus Slott paa Bornholmb paa Kong. Maiitz. wegne fra Philippi dag Anno 1607 och till Philippi Jacobi dag Anno 1608.. . . Indtegt Kong. Maiitz. och Kronens sagfaldt: . . . Opborridt aff Peder Koefoedtz dreng Peder Mogensen i Østermarck sogn for hand sloug Morten Staffensen - 1-1/2 Dr.

    The above entry translated to English:
    Revenue and disbursements for Hammershus Castle on Bornholm on behalf of His Royal Majesty from May 1, 1607 until May 1, 1608. . . . His Royal Mayesty and the Crown's revenue for transgressions: . . . Received from Peder Kofoed's servant Peder Mogensen of Østermarie parish because he struck Morten Staffensen - 1-1/2 Rigsdaler.

    Kong. Mayttz. Regenschaff, aff Hammershuus Slott och Lehn, fraa Philippi Jacobi Dag Anno 1610 och thill Aarsdagen Ao. 1611. . . . Annammidt thillsagefald: . . . Sønder Herridt: . . . Jep Buck i Boelsker sogen aff tingget for slagsmaaell med Peder Koefoedtzs bundesøehn, gaff der for - 2 RixDr., 1 Ortt.

    The above entry translated to English:
    His Royal Majesty's finanicial accounting, for Hammershus Castle and entailed estate, from May 1, 1610 until May 1, 1611. . . . Revenue fortransgressions: . . . Sønder District: . . . Jep Buck of Bodilsker parish fined for fighting with Peder Kofoed's tenant farmer's son, gave therefore - 2 Rigsdaler, 1 Ort.

    According to Julius Bidstrup's book on the "Family B" by the altar of the now demolished Østermarie Church there was a gravestone with three copperplates, the first with the initials "P.K.", for Peder Kofoed, which depicted his emblem: the hoof or "foot" of a cow ("foden af en kue" or"et koben"). The name Kofoed comes from the older name of "KoFod" (meaning "CowFoot"). The second plate was engraved "E.H.G.D." for: Elsebeth Henning Gagge's Daughter; her vertically divided emblem depicted a half mill-wheel (halv kaggehjul) and a chevron (sparre). The third was engraved "I.P.H.D." for: Inger Peder Hansen's Daughter; her emblem depicted what looked like a cheekbone (kindben), which has otherwise been described as a half lobster claw (halv hummerklo); Sigvard Mahler Dam has identified it as a pike's jawbone (geddekæft), stating that the "geddekæft" was a symbol of speed - as knights used to fasten the jawbone into the nostrils of their horses, so that they would run fast and wild. It seems that the old Bornholm Kofoed families used the cow-foot as their emblem; from obvious association with their name, rather than through their connection to the Duchy of Holstein. Besides the gravestone of Peder Kofoed, it can be seen in the seal of his brother the Mayor Esbern Kofoed used in 1595. From then on the cow-foot was used repeatedly by this branch of the Kofoed-family; among them his grandson Poul, the mayor of Svaneke, who in 1673 used a seal with the cow-foot image in the arms, above which sat a tiny, not too martial-looking helmet sprouting three flowers, and the initials "P.K.F.M." for: Poul KoeFoed Madsen.

    In May 6, 1608 he used a "lille kvist med kløveret" (small twig with a clover) as the image on his seal. It is curious that he did not make use of the cow-foot coat of arms, which was later placed upon his gravestone.

    In the old Østermarie Church there was an epitaph with the inscription:
    "Denne Tavle er opsat til ærlig og velagte Mands Peder Kofods Ihukommelse, som blev fød Aar efter Guds Byrd 1548 og døde 1616. Hands første Hustru ærlig og gudfrygtig Jomfru Elsebeth Henning Gagges Datter, med hvilcken hand levede i Ægteskab 10 Aar, avlede 5 Børn, 1 Søn og 4 Døttre. Hvilcke samt Moderen heden sove salig i Herren Anno 1585". (This Tablet is raised to the honest and respected man Peder Kofod's Memory, who was born in the year 1548 and died 1616. His first Wife honest and God fearing Miss Elsebeth Henning Gagge's Daughter, with whom he lived in Matrimony for 10 years, bearing 5 Children, 1 Son and 4Daughters. This same mother died in the Year of Our Lord 1585.)

    On Koefoedgård's church pew in Østermarie Church was carved a "P K" with a coat-of-arms with the "kofod" image and the year "1637" - the year suggests that this was carved for a son of the same name (who died in 1637 in Malmö). Upon the women's pew was carved "I P H D" and her coat-of-arms; the inscription on the pew informs us that the elderly "Inger Peder Hansens Datter" was still alive in 1637.

    In 1595 Hans Kofoed (c.1550-1623), of the "Rønne family" (Bidstrup's "Family A"), incorporated the emblem of a "gavlsparren" (a truss, otherwise known in heraldry as a chevron) in his seal; this later became the most widely incorporated image in later Kofoed seals and emblems. And that Hans Kofoed's eldest son Mads used this image in 1608.

    The "Danish Coat of Arms" registry shows that 18 families carry the truss as part of their coats of arms. The image of the truss seems to have come from the Uf family of Skåne. Noblemen of the Uf family settled on Bornholm around the year 1400, and quite a few of the native Bornholmer Kofoeds married into that family, and it seems that they adopted the Uf's coat of arms with its depiction of a "sparre". Later, as the "Rønne family" and the "Østermarie family" began to inter-marry the image of the chevron can be seen together with that of the "cow-foot".

    Reference: In "Familien Koefoed A og B" Julius Bidstrup (published 1886), Peder Kofoed's father was a Mads Kofoed, however according to later research done by Jørn Klindt it is proven that he was the son of Poul Kofoed; see "På spore af de første Kofod'er", by Jørn Klindt, published 1979 , page 77.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Peder blev gift med Inger Pedersdatter cirka 1585 i Bornholm. Inger (datter af Peder Hansen) blev født cirka 1560 i Prgd. Vellensgård, Nyker Sogn; døde efter 1600 i Bornholm. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 17.  Inger Pedersdatter blev født cirka 1560 i Prgd. Vellensgård, Nyker Sogn (datter af Peder Hansen); døde efter 1600 i Bornholm.
    1. Poul Pedersen Kofoed blev født cirka 1586 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde efter 1620.
    2. Oluf Pedersen Kofoed blev født den 5 jun. 1588 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde den 24 feb. 1636 i Ystad.
    3. Peder Pedersen Kofoed blev født cirka 1589 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde i 1637 i Malmöhus Län, Skåne.
    4. Jacob Pedersen Kofoed blev født cirka 1591 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn.
    5. Jørgen Pedersen Kofoed blev født cirka 1592 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde cirka 1641 i Slagelse.
    6. Boel Pedersdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1594 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde efter 1662 i Bornholm.
    7. Elsebye Pedersdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1596 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde cirka 1630 i Prgd. Gadebygård, Østermarie Sogn.
    8. Anne Pedersdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1598 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde i UNKNOWN.
    9. 8. Mads Pedersen Kofoed blev født cirka 1600 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn; døde i 1646 i 23. sgd. Kofoedgård, Østermarie Sogn.

  3. 18.  Hans Madsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1550 i Rønne (søn af Mads Jensen Kofoed og Gunhild Uf); døde i 1623 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3369 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3413 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.4485 (Sommer)
    • Beskæftigelse: Land-owner (Proprietær)


    Note(kopieret juli 2019 fra Norman Lee Madsens database9

    Hans Kofoed, as the owner of Heslegård, 21 Vdg. a "fri vornedegård" (freehold farm), and Knæbjerghus, both in Østerlars parish, participated in the Freeman status meeting in 1572. In 1586 he is recorded as living in Rønne, and in 1590 and 1608 as the owner of the Freeman's estate Blykobbegård in Nyker parish.

    Hans Kofoed is recorded in Bornholm's Jordebog as the taxpayer for Rosmannegård, 27' Slg. Knudsker, in 1611; and as the taxpayer for 26'Slg. Knudsker (part of the Store Almegård estate) in 1617, and in the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1617-1631 as being "Hans Koefoed aff Knudsker Sogen", one of the men presiding on February 14, 1625 over the division of the estate of Christopher Olsen's wife Seigne, who had been beheaded for witchcraft.

    Sigvard Mahler Dam states, in "Over Hals og hoved" (published in SAXO, 1991), that he discovered that in 1666 there was a case in court concerning the estate of the deceased widow Christine Kiøller (died 1665), in which Hans Olufsen Kofoed, the grandson of Hans (Madsen)Kofoed, states that he is as close an heir after Christine Kiøller as her guardian Claus Kames. Christine is the daughter of Christen Clausen Køller (died circa 1582) and Margrethe Mogensdatter Uf, of Store Hallegård in Olsker.

    Sigvard notes that Hans Kofoed named a son Claus, and another son Jacob, which up to that point had not been given names used by the Kofoed-family. Since Christen Clausen Køller had named a son Jacob, Sigvard speculates that Claus and Jacob are Køller family names. Sigvard also notes that Christine Kiøller's brother Christen Clausen Kiøller (junior) signed documents in 1624 and 1628, while he was Bornholm's chiefjustice, which concerned the Kofoed family. (This information was first published in Julius Bidstrup's book on Kofoed family A.)

    Based on the above, Sigvard suggests that Hans Kofoed's wife may have been the daughter of Christen Clausen Køller (senior) and Margrethe Mogensdatter Uf. (Or possibly it is Hans Olufsen Kofoed's mother Sidsele who is the relative of Christine Kiøller? - Norman Madsen)

    However, it seems just as possible that Hans Kofoed's wife was the half-sister of Christen Clausen Køller (died circa 1582, of Store Hallegård in Olsker). According to Edvard Skovgaard, in "1000 Aner til en Skovgårdsslægt" (pub. 1989), Christen Clausen Køller is the son of a Claus Köller (from Pomerania) and Margarete von Schinckel. Possibly "Margarete von Schinckel" is the same person as the wife of Claus Clausen Kames, namely "Margrethe" (died May 10, 1693) of Rønne? Claus Clausen Kames and Margrethe are said to be the grandparents of the Claus Kames mentioned in the 1666 court case. - Norman Lee Madsen, January 28, 2003.

    At the "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men named as being in attendance: 1. Jacob Iversen, Landsdommer; 2. Mester Peder W(= Peder [Mogensen] Uf); the brothers 3. Peder Hansen; and 4. Bent Hansen; 5. Jørgen Pedersen; 6. Peder (Madsen) Kofoed; 7. Oluf Madsen; 8.Oluf Bagge; 9. Hans Mogensen, as he was away at the king's court he was represented by his father Mogens Hansen; 10. Peder (Hansen) Myre; 11. Jørgen Gagge; 12. Berent Hansen (= Berild Hansen); 13. Laurids Pedersen; 14. Jens (Madsen) Kofoed; 15. Christen (Clausen) Kiøller; 16. Peder Hansen (Uf); and 17. Hans (Madsen) Kofoed. Three advisers to the Danish Parliment (Rigsråder) had been sent to preside over the meeting, namely: Biørn Kaas of Starupgaard, Biørn Andersen of Stenholt, and Jørgen Marsvin of Dybæk. The group expressed heartfelt and solemn words about faithful service to the crown; and it seems they had an inkling of things to come, and therefore begged the King not to let himself be "seduced" by Lübeck's representative Sveder Ketting, "because you might expect that Lübeck only plotted to keep our island under their yoke." This was during the period in which Bornholm was strongly under the influence (and rulership) of the Hanseatic League free-city of Lübeck; the Bornholmers felt greatly put upon by the high taxes, unfair rules, and high-handedness of the Lübeckers. Contrary to the opinion of latter historians they must have convinced the envoys, as on the 9th of September the freemen were granted the right to gather shipwrecks from the beaches, hunt in the woods, as well as given full authority over their servants - a great victory for the freemen.

    Hans Kofoed is known to have been living in Rønne in 1586, and to have been to owner of Heslegård, 21' Vdg. Østerlars parish. Hans Kofoed, named as a "Frimand", was one of the delegates who on May 6, 1608, in København, selected and confirmed Prince Christian as the future King of Denmark. He also, along with Peder (Poulsen) Kofoed (1548-1616), took part in the following festivities in Lund, Skåne (now part of Sverige/Sweden), where the nobility swore their allegiance to Prince Christian in the year 1610.

    Their written authorization to attend is stated as follows:
    "We, the hereafter stated signatories: Jens Kofoedt of Kyndegaard, Hanns Kofoedt of Blykobbegaard, Peder Koefoedt of Bagisgaard, Matz Koefoedt of Eskiilsgaard, and Niels Beriildsen of Gadebygaard, all Freemen of Borringholm, and present here together hereby declare. . . The honest and noble man: Hanns Lindenow, Commander of Hammershus Fortress, has according to our consent, requested these two persons: the honourable Hans and Poffuill Koefoedt to travel to Kiöbenhaffn with our authorized document and be our representatives (at Prince Christian's election). . .as further documentation we have in our own handwriting signed and sealed this our open-letter."

    The above letter is dated: "Borringholm, 6 Maij, Anno 1608" With the signatures of: Jenns Koefoedt, Hans Kofod, Peder Koefoedt, Matz Koefoedt, Jacob Køller, Hans Berillsenn, Niels Berendtzen. (Jørn Klindt notes that Hans Kofoed's signature is not like that of his brother the Judge Jens Kofoed - the Judge was experienced and fluent at handwritting – while Hans Kofoed, being a farmer, was unaccustomed to feather and ink, which easily made blotches!)

    From the seven seals affixed we can see that Jens Kofoed and Hans Kofoed, and Hans Kofoed's son Mads, used the "Sparre" (Chevron) image in their seals, but Peder Kofoed did not -- his seal was simply marked "P.K." Also, note that "Borringholm" and "Kiöbenhaffn" are the old style spellings of Bornholm and København (Copenhagen).

    In 1595 Hans Kofoed had incorporated the image of a chevron (gavlsparren) in his seal; this later became the most widely incorporated image in later Kofoed seals. The "sparre" was the symbol used by his mother Gunhild's family in their coat of arms. His eldest son Mads Kofoed used this image from 1608, and his descendants (the "Rønne family" or "branch B" as this line of the family was referred to by Julius Bidstrup) used it as well.

    Hans Kofoed at one point held the position of churchwarden (kirkeværge) for Nyker parish. He lived long enough to see his children prosper; they were privileged to have been born as freemen and have wealthy and influential relations. Through marriages they further built up their family position.

    The "Danish Coat of Arms" registry includes no less than 18 familie scarrying the "sparre" (chevron) as part of their coat of arms. The image of the chevron used by the Rønne branch of the Kofoed-family seems to have come to it via the Uf-family of Skåne province. Noblemen of the Uf-family settled on Bornholm around the year 1400, and when the Mads Kofoed married into that family it seems that his descendants adopted the Uf's coat of arms with its depiction of a "sparre" (chevron). Later, as the "Rønne family" and the "Østermarie family" began to inter-marry the image of the chevron can be seen together with the cow-foot image of the Østermarie line descended from Poul Kofoed (-1549-1572-) of Kofoedgård in Østermarie parish.

    From the book "Danske adelsvåbener, en heraldisk nøgle", Politikens Forlag, 1973, København:
    Kofod. Et koben. Farver og eventuel hjelmfigur kendes ikke. Markvard Kofod, væbner, 1378; afkom ukendt. NDA side 151.

    (Translated to english:)
    Kofod. On the shield a cow-foot. Colours and eventual helmet-design unknown. Markvard Kofod, arms carrier in 1378; no known descendants. NDA page 151.

    According to Sigvard Mahler Dam's article "De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid - noget nyt om deres våbener", (Heraldisk Tidsskrift, 1982), the Kofoed-family's arms carried a blue chevron on a red background, with 2 white vesselhorns on the helmet, and that "Danmarks Kirker", volume 7, Bornholm, tells the same, but incorrectly lists the arms as the belonging to the Gagge-family.

    From the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1580-1617:
    Hendrick Brahes Regenschaff aff Hammershus paa Borringholm fran Philippi Jacobj dag 1585 thill Philippi Jacobj dag âo. 1586. . . . Inndtegttpennge før sagefaldt: . . . Anndamit ieg aff Hans Sabell ibidem [Rønde]før hand slo Hanns Kuofoedh ibidem [Rønde] - 1-1/2 Daller.

    The above entry translated to English:
    Henrik Brahe's financial accounting for Hammershus on Bornholm from May1, 1585 until May 1, 1586. . . . Accounts Receivable for transgressions:. . . I received from Hans Sabell of Rønne because he struck Hans Kofoedof Rønne - 1-1/2 Rigsdaler.

    From the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1617-1631:
    Wy effterskreffne Peder Andersøen, aff Nelausker Sogen, Herridtsfogitt paa Borrenholm Peder Andersøen, Mads Jensøen, Hans Koefoed aff Knudsker Sogen, bekiender och witterligtt gør for alle, och aff Knud Jensøen Kongl. May. Ridefogitt her sammestedts, att werre tikriste och befallid att verre tilstede paa skifftte som bemeltte Knud Jensøen, paa Kongl.May. och sin gunstige horris wegne loid holde, med Cristoffer Olsøen aff Knudsker Sogen efftter sin hustru som wdj troldomb wor kyndige, och derforre bleff dømbtt och heden rett. Huor ouffuer hindis houffuedloid komb wdj Kongens werge, saa ere wj bemeltte mend wdj Jens Søffrensøn Borgemester wdj Rønde, Fock Saffraff Raadmand ibid., samme fleregottfolck derris neruerilse den 14 February neruerende aar 1625 i forhne Cristoffer Olsøns gaard, forsamblede fornhe ørinde, och vereff attwdrotte. - Och for dett første ør wdj worris neruerilse oprognitt huiswitterlig gield och børnegoeds som med rette aff fellidsboe kundefordris. Huilkid er wdj tre ware korn och en partt fæ, forloddiswdtagitt, och siden er boed mitt; the skifft, och Kongl. May. part straxpersileris andteginde och aff os worderrid, som følger: . . . . Naar affforhne summa penge fratagis huis som paa Seyne Cristoffers er bekostidoch anvoret for hun først bleff behofftid, och indtil hun bleff hedenrettid, saa och fogdens penninge: . . . Erlige och welarte mend, Jens Søfrensøn Borgemester och Fock Saffraff Raadmand i Rønde, som och hoisworre, medois till witterlighed att beseylle, Datum Rønde den 15 FebruaryAnno 1625.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Hans blev gift med xxx Clausdatter Kjøller før 1585. xxx (datter af Claus Köller og Margrethe von Schinckel) blev født før 1566 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  4. 19.  xxx Clausdatter Kjøller blev født før 1566 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn (datter af Claus Köller og Margrethe von Schinckel).

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3370 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3414 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.4486 (Sommer)

    1. Jacob Hansen Kofoed blev født før 1585 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde i 1646 i Prgd. Kyndegård, Nyker Sogn.
    2. Mads Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1588 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde den 2 nov. 1646 i Prgd. Vellensgård, Nyker Sogn.
    3. Claus Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1582 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde cirka 1658 i 50. sgd. Ladegård, Klemensker Sogn.
    4. Oluf Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1593 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde i 1641 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn.
    5. Peder Hansen Kofoed blev født den 15 jun. 1598 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde den 24 dec. 1648 i Lübeck, Tyskland.
    6. 9. Karine Hansdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1602 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde cirka 1640 i 23. sgd. Kofoedsgård, Østermarie Sogn.
    7. Karine Hansdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1602 i Blykobbegård, Nyker, Bornholm, Danmark; døde cirka 1640 i 23. sgd. Kofoedsgård, Østermarie Sogn.

  5. 20.  Morten Henningsen Bohn blev født efter 1595 i Rønne (søn af Henning Hermansen Bohn); døde den 19 mar. 1650 i Rønne.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3209


    Var 1640 rådmand i Rønne, og som sådan underskrev han byen
    hyldningsakt af 26/6 1648.

    1629 - 1630 Byfoged i Rønne, Rådmand 1640 og 48

    Morten Bohn is recorded as being town bailiff (Byfoged) for Rønne in
    1629/30. His name is inscribed onto the christening font in Rønne
    Church as councillor for Rønne township (købstad) in 1644. And again
    documents from 1648 show us that Morten Bohn was still a councilman,
    as he signed himself as such. Until the middle of the1800s a
    gravestone was kept inside Rønne Church bearing the following
    inscription: "I pray for release to be with Christ. This stone and
    place belong to Morten Bone, his wife, children and heirs. In the
    year . . . . March 19, Morten Bone died, citizen of Rønne, and lies
    buried. . . . . September . . . . died Jørgen Mortensen. . . . . 7
    August died Elisabeth Mortensdatter, may God grant them a joyous
    Resurrection together with all true Believers." The bottom of the
    stone was marked simply: M.B. and K.M.D., it was also embellished
    with a carving of the four Evangelists, and hourglass and a skull.
    Unfortunately, all the gravestones were removed from the church and
    destroyed by neglect - for a long period they were laid down in a
    path around the churchyard, and the inscriptions became impossible to
    decipher. Around 1870 they were cut into small pieces for the fence
    around the churchyard.

    Fra Bjarne Kofoeds dataase (også aner til personen)

    1. 10. Herman Mortensen Bohn blev født i 1620 i Rønne; døde i 1668 i Rønne.
    2. Karen Mortensdatter Bohn blev født cirka 1622 i Rønne; døde i 1696 i Rønne.