Anebasen — Ole Thyge Plannthin

Lisbeth Rasmusdatter Bleking

Lisbeth Rasmusdatter Bleking

Kvinde ca. 1650 -

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Lisbeth Rasmusdatter Bleking blev født cirka 1650 i Præstegården, Vestermarie Sogn (datter af Rasmus Andersen Bleking og Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed).

    Lisbeth blev gift med Rasmus Jensen Marcher den 7 sep. 1673 i Vestermarie Kirke. Rasmus blev født den 21 aug. 1647 i Rønne; døde den 3 feb. 1727 i Vestermarie Sogn. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Rasmus Andersen Bleking blev født cirka 1616 i Rønneby, Blekinge (søn af Anders); døde den 1 jun. 1673 i Vestermarie Sogn.


    Note (Norman Lee Madsen)
    Rasmus Andersen Bleking was a student in Slagelse in 1641; from 1645 hewas clergyman (sognepræst) for Vestermarie parish. He died in theconfessional just before he was to give a sermon.

    In his time Rasmus Andersen Bleking was Bornholm's wealthiest man. Wecan estimate his wealth from the taxation list of 1662, wherein it isnoted that he, as parson for Vestermarie parish, had to pay 300Slettedaler, and Herman Bohn Mortensen paid 250 Sldr., whereas all theinhabitants of the town of Hasle only paid a total of 177 Sldr. He heldthe farming rights for (Lillegård) 32 Slg. Vestermarie in 1658 and 1662.

    On the losses of Danish territories during the lifetime of RasmusAndersen Bleking:
    Under King Valdemar II, reigned 1202-1241, the kingdom reached itsgreatest size. He conquered Pomerania, Estonia, and parts ofMecklenburg; was sovereign over all of Denmark, the south-western coastalprovinces on the Swedish peninsula, and had dominion over the entireBaltic Sea coast-line. The Union of Kalmar, in 1397, united the kingdomsof Denmark, Sweden and Norway for 126 years. Sverige and a portion ofFinland seceded in 1523; Norway declared itself independence in 1814; andIIceland became independent in 1944. Greenland and the Faeroes are stillunder Danish rule.

    The Swedes declared war on Danmark in 1643, invaded Jylland and Skåne andon June 29, 1644 defeated the Danish fleet. In the resulting "Peace ofBrömsebro" of 1645, Denmark ceded to Sweden the islands Ösel and Gotland,the provinces Jämtland, Härjedalen and Halland - the latter for thirtyyears (however, it was never returned). Later Skåne, Blekinge, andBohus, all Danish provinces for 500 years, were lost to Sverige as aresult of the "Peace of Roskilde", signed in 1658. The territory ofSkåne now comprises the counties (läns) of Malmöhus and Kristianstad.

    From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1658, compiled during the Swedish occupationof the island:
    Väster Häradh, Västermarch Sochn, Skattehemman, Nr. 32: Hr. RasmusAndersen (Forpantet till Fru Margrete Hölck) . . . 12 Daler, 8 Öre, 4Penningar.

    From Bornholm's Jordebog of 1662:
    Vester Herridt, Vestermarck Sogn, Bunde, Nr. 32: Hr. Rasmus Andersenbruger jorden (Udlagt til Fru Margrete Holkes sl. Jens Høgs).

    Mention of Rasmus Andersen Bleking and Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed in theprobate for Holger Pedersen, June 25, 1697, page 239b:
    Anno 1697 den 25 Juny er evter louglig giorde tillysning holdenregistering og vurdering sampt schifte og dehling efter Erlig og Velagtenu sal. mand Holger Pedersøn som boede og døde paa dend 54 Jord Eyendombsgaard, beliggende paa Tingsta i Vestermarie Sogn. . . . Sognepræsten Hl.Rasmus Jensen fordrede 14 Sld. 2 Mk. 2 Sk. som ham af sin hustruis sl.moder Kirstine sl. Hl. Rasmus Andersens er ofuerdragen efter dend imellumdenne giorde Contract, bestaaendis udi den 54 gaard her i VesterM Sognsom Holger Pedersen i boede, som en dom udsted af Vester Herris tingdaterit den 18 Juny 1688 saa og ded skiftebref ganget efter afgangne Hl.Rasmus Andersen daterit den 12 November 1673. . . .

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, Canada, 12 Jun 2016.

    Rasmus blev gift med Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed i 1646. Kirstine (datter af Claus Hansen Kofoed) blev født i 1620; døde efter 1681. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 3.  Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed blev født i 1620 (datter af Claus Hansen Kofoed); døde efter 1681.


    Note (Norman Lee Madsen)
    Mention of Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed, and son-in-law Rasmus Jensen(Marcher), in the probate for Michel Berildsen, October 1, 1681, page 18b: "Anno 1681 dend første Octobris, er efter loulig giorde tillysning holden rigistering og vurdering sampt skifte og deehling efter sl. Michel Bereldsen, som boede og døde paa en Frie Vornede gaard som er dend 15 i tallet liggende udj Nyecher Sogn her paa Borringholmb. . . Endnu frembkom Hl. Rasmus Jensen udi Vestermarie Sogn, paa sin hustruis moders nafnlig: Chirsten Claues Koefods daatters veigne, og til skurde, samptlig sl. Michel Bereldsens arfuinger, omede hafde nogen loulig laug bydelse paa denne 15tende gaard at frembirise. . . Hl. Rasmus Jensen paa bemelte sin hustru moders veigne, nemblig, at Chirstene Claus Koefoeds daatter, er neste arfuing til samme sl. Michel Berreldsens omrørte gaard, da Hl. Rasmus Jensen paa sin hustru moders veigne, at hafue prætention paa samme gaard og ejendom. . . ."

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, Canada, 12 Jun 2016.

    1. 1. Lisbeth Rasmusdatter Bleking blev født cirka 1650 i Præstegården, Vestermarie Sogn.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.  Anders
    1. 2. Rasmus Andersen Bleking blev født cirka 1616 i Rønneby, Blekinge; døde den 1 jun. 1673 i Vestermarie Sogn.
    2. Margrethe Andersdatter Bleking blev født cirka 1620 i Rønneby, Blekinge; døde cirka 1656 i Prgd. Halsegård, Østermarie Sogn.
    3. Anders Andersen Bleking blev født cirka 1635 i Rønneby, Blekinge; døde i 1685 i Allinge.

  2. 6.  Claus Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1582 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn (søn af Hans Madsen Kofoed og xxx Clausdatter Kjøller); døde cirka 1658 i 50. sgd. Ladegård, Klemensker Sogn.


    Note (Norman Lee Madsen)
    Claus Kofoed had held Almegård, 26 Slg. Knudsker, and Vallegård, 15Vdg. Nyker (a "frivornedegård"), and also Ladegård, 50 Slg. Klemenskerparish. According to Jørn Klindt in "På spor de første Kofod'er" hisson, Jens Kofoed, inherited Almegård - however, he died not long afterhis father.

    Claus Kofoed and Giertrud had at least five children: Jens, died 1657;Kirsten, married to Rasmus Andersen Bleking; Hans, died young; Oluf, diedyoung; Karen, died young.

    From Bornholm's Landstingbog 1671-1683:
    December 14, 1681, page 264a: Dom. Efttersom af processen er fares, atHans Koefod Olsen haffr inden Nøreherritz ting, dennd 16 Aprili 1675 forretten er bødet, at ville betalle Lauridz Mickelsen, hans rette krauf medrede penge, naar hand fremlegges pantebreffuet og høyeste rettes dom, doghaffuer Lauridz Mickelsen. Huerchen till Hiem eller Landz ting eftterkommed, ej heller nogen tid fremlagt pantebreffuet, siden høyeste rettesdom. Imellem dennem dennd 17 July 1673 er ganget, mens Hans Koefodhaffuer indløst høyeste rettes dom, og den for mig udi Landztings rettenproducerit. Huor udi findes, at for høyeste ret er bleffuen udi rettelagt forhen pantebreff, som Giertrud Claus Koefoedz haffuer udgiffuettill Lauridz Michelsen. Liudende paa it Hundrede og forge TiuffueSlettedr., for huilchen summa hannem er forsichred, og pandtsatLadegaarden udi Clemmidskersogen for haffued summen, og ald eftterstaaendes rentte. Eftter pantebreffued dateret Clemmidskersogen, dennd16 Juny 1665. End og haffuer forhen Hans Koefod, til Landzting sig erbødet, at naar bemelte pantebreff fremkommer, hand høyeste rettes dom,vill fyllest giøre, ogsaa lenge formeener at vere fri for LauridzMichelsens tiltalle. Huilcken Hans Koefoedz meening eller begiering,iche kand bifaldes. Thi om end skiønt pantebreffued ej kand vere tillstede. Saa for medelst at høyeste rettes dom indholder, at sammepantebreff der for høyeste ret haffuer verret udi rette, og høyesterettes dombs slutning formelder, at imod det Hans Koefoed er till kiendtberørte gaard till eyendom at beholde, bør hand panthaffueren LauridzMichelsen eftter pantebreffuer liudelse skadesløs at fornøye og HansKoefod iche noget der paa haffuer betalt. Mens pengene endnu udi forhengaard bestaar. Huor fore ieg iche, retter kund uid denne sag kiende.Endsom Hans Koefod skal betalle till Lauridz Mickelsen bemelte capital ogder aff for faldene rentte, indtil dennd 17 Juli 1673 høyeste rettes domer bleffuen affsagde siden den tid. Kand ej til finde Hans Koefod nogenrentte at udgiffue, fordi at Lauridz Mickelsen selff haffuer for aarsagetat pengene tilforn iche er vorden erlagt udi det at hand ej haffuerpandte breffued fremskattet, eftter paa eskning. Da for videre trette atfore komme, skal Lauridz Michelsen udi rentten docourtere og got giøreHans Koefod, dennd førrige billige bekostning, som høyeste rettes domhannem til holder. Og dersom Hans Koefod iche hør sammelig eftter kommerhøyeste bemelte høyeste rettes dom. Strax uden nogen ophold contenterer,till Lauridz Mickelsen hoffuedstoel og alt hues som resterer, paa rentenat hand kand vere skadesløs. Da haffuer Lauridz Michelsen ved lougligmed fart, at søge sin behahlning udi panted ved indførsel, som C4 Recess15 Capital, udviser, i det offrige skal Hans Koefod erstatte til LauridzMichelsen billig paa denne processis indvendte bekostning og om saaskeer, at Lauridz Michelsen iche kunde pantebreffued tilstede bring. Danaar hand til børlig erlenger sin betahlning og bliffuer for nøyet eftterhøyeste rettes dom, saa skal pantebreffued, vere død og magtesløs. Huordet findes, og aldrig komme Hans Koefod eller hans hustru, børn, ogarffuinger, til hinder eller skade udi nogen maader. Dette till endeligpaa kiendelse udi denne indsteffnte sag. Detz till vindesbiurd.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,Ontario, Canada, 12 Jun 2016.

    1. 3. Kirstine Clausdatter Kofoed blev født i 1620; døde efter 1681.

Generation: 4

  1. 12.  Hans Madsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1550 i Rønne (søn af Mads Jensen Kofoed og Gunhild Uf); døde i 1623 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3369 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3413 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.4485 (Sommer)
    • Beskæftigelse: Land-owner (Proprietær)


    Note(kopieret juli 2019 fra Norman Lee Madsens database9

    Hans Kofoed, as the owner of Heslegård, 21 Vdg. a "fri vornedegård" (freehold farm), and Knæbjerghus, both in Østerlars parish, participated in the Freeman status meeting in 1572. In 1586 he is recorded as living in Rønne, and in 1590 and 1608 as the owner of the Freeman's estate Blykobbegård in Nyker parish.

    Hans Kofoed is recorded in Bornholm's Jordebog as the taxpayer for Rosmannegård, 27' Slg. Knudsker, in 1611; and as the taxpayer for 26'Slg. Knudsker (part of the Store Almegård estate) in 1617, and in the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1617-1631 as being "Hans Koefoed aff Knudsker Sogen", one of the men presiding on February 14, 1625 over the division of the estate of Christopher Olsen's wife Seigne, who had been beheaded for witchcraft.

    Sigvard Mahler Dam states, in "Over Hals og hoved" (published in SAXO, 1991), that he discovered that in 1666 there was a case in court concerning the estate of the deceased widow Christine Kiøller (died 1665), in which Hans Olufsen Kofoed, the grandson of Hans (Madsen)Kofoed, states that he is as close an heir after Christine Kiøller as her guardian Claus Kames. Christine is the daughter of Christen Clausen Køller (died circa 1582) and Margrethe Mogensdatter Uf, of Store Hallegård in Olsker.

    Sigvard notes that Hans Kofoed named a son Claus, and another son Jacob, which up to that point had not been given names used by the Kofoed-family. Since Christen Clausen Køller had named a son Jacob, Sigvard speculates that Claus and Jacob are Køller family names. Sigvard also notes that Christine Kiøller's brother Christen Clausen Kiøller (junior) signed documents in 1624 and 1628, while he was Bornholm's chiefjustice, which concerned the Kofoed family. (This information was first published in Julius Bidstrup's book on Kofoed family A.)

    Based on the above, Sigvard suggests that Hans Kofoed's wife may have been the daughter of Christen Clausen Køller (senior) and Margrethe Mogensdatter Uf. (Or possibly it is Hans Olufsen Kofoed's mother Sidsele who is the relative of Christine Kiøller? - Norman Madsen)

    However, it seems just as possible that Hans Kofoed's wife was the half-sister of Christen Clausen Køller (died circa 1582, of Store Hallegård in Olsker). According to Edvard Skovgaard, in "1000 Aner til en Skovgårdsslægt" (pub. 1989), Christen Clausen Køller is the son of a Claus Köller (from Pomerania) and Margarete von Schinckel. Possibly "Margarete von Schinckel" is the same person as the wife of Claus Clausen Kames, namely "Margrethe" (died May 10, 1693) of Rønne? Claus Clausen Kames and Margrethe are said to be the grandparents of the Claus Kames mentioned in the 1666 court case. - Norman Lee Madsen, January 28, 2003.

    At the "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men named as being in attendance: 1. Jacob Iversen, Landsdommer; 2. Mester Peder W(= Peder [Mogensen] Uf); the brothers 3. Peder Hansen; and 4. Bent Hansen; 5. Jørgen Pedersen; 6. Peder (Madsen) Kofoed; 7. Oluf Madsen; 8.Oluf Bagge; 9. Hans Mogensen, as he was away at the king's court he was represented by his father Mogens Hansen; 10. Peder (Hansen) Myre; 11. Jørgen Gagge; 12. Berent Hansen (= Berild Hansen); 13. Laurids Pedersen; 14. Jens (Madsen) Kofoed; 15. Christen (Clausen) Kiøller; 16. Peder Hansen (Uf); and 17. Hans (Madsen) Kofoed. Three advisers to the Danish Parliment (Rigsråder) had been sent to preside over the meeting, namely: Biørn Kaas of Starupgaard, Biørn Andersen of Stenholt, and Jørgen Marsvin of Dybæk. The group expressed heartfelt and solemn words about faithful service to the crown; and it seems they had an inkling of things to come, and therefore begged the King not to let himself be "seduced" by Lübeck's representative Sveder Ketting, "because you might expect that Lübeck only plotted to keep our island under their yoke." This was during the period in which Bornholm was strongly under the influence (and rulership) of the Hanseatic League free-city of Lübeck; the Bornholmers felt greatly put upon by the high taxes, unfair rules, and high-handedness of the Lübeckers. Contrary to the opinion of latter historians they must have convinced the envoys, as on the 9th of September the freemen were granted the right to gather shipwrecks from the beaches, hunt in the woods, as well as given full authority over their servants - a great victory for the freemen.

    Hans Kofoed is known to have been living in Rønne in 1586, and to have been to owner of Heslegård, 21' Vdg. Østerlars parish. Hans Kofoed, named as a "Frimand", was one of the delegates who on May 6, 1608, in København, selected and confirmed Prince Christian as the future King of Denmark. He also, along with Peder (Poulsen) Kofoed (1548-1616), took part in the following festivities in Lund, Skåne (now part of Sverige/Sweden), where the nobility swore their allegiance to Prince Christian in the year 1610.

    Their written authorization to attend is stated as follows:
    "We, the hereafter stated signatories: Jens Kofoedt of Kyndegaard, Hanns Kofoedt of Blykobbegaard, Peder Koefoedt of Bagisgaard, Matz Koefoedt of Eskiilsgaard, and Niels Beriildsen of Gadebygaard, all Freemen of Borringholm, and present here together hereby declare. . . The honest and noble man: Hanns Lindenow, Commander of Hammershus Fortress, has according to our consent, requested these two persons: the honourable Hans and Poffuill Koefoedt to travel to Kiöbenhaffn with our authorized document and be our representatives (at Prince Christian's election). . .as further documentation we have in our own handwriting signed and sealed this our open-letter."

    The above letter is dated: "Borringholm, 6 Maij, Anno 1608" With the signatures of: Jenns Koefoedt, Hans Kofod, Peder Koefoedt, Matz Koefoedt, Jacob Køller, Hans Berillsenn, Niels Berendtzen. (Jørn Klindt notes that Hans Kofoed's signature is not like that of his brother the Judge Jens Kofoed - the Judge was experienced and fluent at handwritting – while Hans Kofoed, being a farmer, was unaccustomed to feather and ink, which easily made blotches!)

    From the seven seals affixed we can see that Jens Kofoed and Hans Kofoed, and Hans Kofoed's son Mads, used the "Sparre" (Chevron) image in their seals, but Peder Kofoed did not -- his seal was simply marked "P.K." Also, note that "Borringholm" and "Kiöbenhaffn" are the old style spellings of Bornholm and København (Copenhagen).

    In 1595 Hans Kofoed had incorporated the image of a chevron (gavlsparren) in his seal; this later became the most widely incorporated image in later Kofoed seals. The "sparre" was the symbol used by his mother Gunhild's family in their coat of arms. His eldest son Mads Kofoed used this image from 1608, and his descendants (the "Rønne family" or "branch B" as this line of the family was referred to by Julius Bidstrup) used it as well.

    Hans Kofoed at one point held the position of churchwarden (kirkeværge) for Nyker parish. He lived long enough to see his children prosper; they were privileged to have been born as freemen and have wealthy and influential relations. Through marriages they further built up their family position.

    The "Danish Coat of Arms" registry includes no less than 18 familie scarrying the "sparre" (chevron) as part of their coat of arms. The image of the chevron used by the Rønne branch of the Kofoed-family seems to have come to it via the Uf-family of Skåne province. Noblemen of the Uf-family settled on Bornholm around the year 1400, and when the Mads Kofoed married into that family it seems that his descendants adopted the Uf's coat of arms with its depiction of a "sparre" (chevron). Later, as the "Rønne family" and the "Østermarie family" began to inter-marry the image of the chevron can be seen together with the cow-foot image of the Østermarie line descended from Poul Kofoed (-1549-1572-) of Kofoedgård in Østermarie parish.

    From the book "Danske adelsvåbener, en heraldisk nøgle", Politikens Forlag, 1973, København:
    Kofod. Et koben. Farver og eventuel hjelmfigur kendes ikke. Markvard Kofod, væbner, 1378; afkom ukendt. NDA side 151.

    (Translated to english:)
    Kofod. On the shield a cow-foot. Colours and eventual helmet-design unknown. Markvard Kofod, arms carrier in 1378; no known descendants. NDA page 151.

    According to Sigvard Mahler Dam's article "De bornholmske væbnerslægter Uf og Splid - noget nyt om deres våbener", (Heraldisk Tidsskrift, 1982), the Kofoed-family's arms carried a blue chevron on a red background, with 2 white vesselhorns on the helmet, and that "Danmarks Kirker", volume 7, Bornholm, tells the same, but incorrectly lists the arms as the belonging to the Gagge-family.

    From the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1580-1617:
    Hendrick Brahes Regenschaff aff Hammershus paa Borringholm fran Philippi Jacobj dag 1585 thill Philippi Jacobj dag âo. 1586. . . . Inndtegttpennge før sagefaldt: . . . Anndamit ieg aff Hans Sabell ibidem [Rønde]før hand slo Hanns Kuofoedh ibidem [Rønde] - 1-1/2 Daller.

    The above entry translated to English:
    Henrik Brahe's financial accounting for Hammershus on Bornholm from May1, 1585 until May 1, 1586. . . . Accounts Receivable for transgressions:. . . I received from Hans Sabell of Rønne because he struck Hans Kofoedof Rønne - 1-1/2 Rigsdaler.

    From the Hammershus Regnskaber, 1617-1631:
    Wy effterskreffne Peder Andersøen, aff Nelausker Sogen, Herridtsfogitt paa Borrenholm Peder Andersøen, Mads Jensøen, Hans Koefoed aff Knudsker Sogen, bekiender och witterligtt gør for alle, och aff Knud Jensøen Kongl. May. Ridefogitt her sammestedts, att werre tikriste och befallid att verre tilstede paa skifftte som bemeltte Knud Jensøen, paa Kongl.May. och sin gunstige horris wegne loid holde, med Cristoffer Olsøen aff Knudsker Sogen efftter sin hustru som wdj troldomb wor kyndige, och derforre bleff dømbtt och heden rett. Huor ouffuer hindis houffuedloid komb wdj Kongens werge, saa ere wj bemeltte mend wdj Jens Søffrensøn Borgemester wdj Rønde, Fock Saffraff Raadmand ibid., samme fleregottfolck derris neruerilse den 14 February neruerende aar 1625 i forhne Cristoffer Olsøns gaard, forsamblede fornhe ørinde, och vereff attwdrotte. - Och for dett første ør wdj worris neruerilse oprognitt huiswitterlig gield och børnegoeds som med rette aff fellidsboe kundefordris. Huilkid er wdj tre ware korn och en partt fæ, forloddiswdtagitt, och siden er boed mitt; the skifft, och Kongl. May. part straxpersileris andteginde och aff os worderrid, som følger: . . . . Naar affforhne summa penge fratagis huis som paa Seyne Cristoffers er bekostidoch anvoret for hun først bleff behofftid, och indtil hun bleff hedenrettid, saa och fogdens penninge: . . . Erlige och welarte mend, Jens Søfrensøn Borgemester och Fock Saffraff Raadmand i Rønde, som och hoisworre, medois till witterlighed att beseylle, Datum Rønde den 15 FebruaryAnno 1625.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    Hans blev gift med xxx Clausdatter Kjøller før 1585. xxx (datter af Claus Köller og Margrethe von Schinckel) blev født før 1566 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 13.  xxx Clausdatter Kjøller blev født før 1566 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn (datter af Claus Köller og Margrethe von Schinckel).

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3370 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 12.3414 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.4486 (Sommer)

    1. Jacob Hansen Kofoed blev født før 1585 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde i 1646 i Prgd. Kyndegård, Nyker Sogn.
    2. Mads Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1588 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde den 2 nov. 1646 i Prgd. Vellensgård, Nyker Sogn.
    3. 6. Claus Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1582 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde cirka 1658 i 50. sgd. Ladegård, Klemensker Sogn.
    4. Oluf Hansen Kofoed blev født cirka 1593 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde i 1641 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn.
    5. Peder Hansen Kofoed blev født den 15 jun. 1598 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde den 24 dec. 1648 i Lübeck, Tyskland.
    6. Karine Hansdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1602 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn; døde cirka 1640 i 23. sgd. Kofoedsgård, Østermarie Sogn.
    7. Karine Hansdatter Kofoed blev født cirka 1602 i Blykobbegård, Nyker, Bornholm, Danmark; døde cirka 1640 i 23. sgd. Kofoedsgård, Østermarie Sogn.

Generation: 5

  1. 24.  Mads Jensen Kofoed blev født i 1513 i Lund, Skåne, Malmöhus Län (søn af Jens Madsen Kofoed og Johanne Thygesdatter); døde i 1552.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6737 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6825 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 14.8969 (Sommer)


    Occupation: Mayor (Borgmester) of Rønne.
    Drowned on a seavoyage to Copenhagen.
    It is not known with certainty who Mads Jensen Kofoed's (born
    possibly 1513? or 1517?- died before 1573, possibly 1552?) parents
    were: The historian Giessing, in 1786, states that Mads Jensen
    Kofoed was the son of Jens Madsen Kofoed and grandson of
    Mads Jensen Kofoed of Hasle. According to Julius Bidstrup's
    "Familien Koefoed A og B" (published in 1887) his parents might be
    Jens Madsen Kofoed and Johanne Thygesdatter, but he is not certain.
    Also, Jørn Klindt in his book "På sporet af de første Kofod'er"
    (published in 1979) has his doubts on this matter, and can not state
    for a fact that any of this is true. Current evidence suggests that
    it is likely that Mads Jensen Kofoed was born 1513 in Lund, Skåne
    province; however, his parentage is still far from certain. In 1572 a
    meeting was held by Bornholm's Parliament to establish who had the
    right to the status of "Frimand" (Free-man) on Bornholm: Mads Jensen

    Kofoed's sons Jens and Hans Kofoed were in attendance at that
    meeting. Of course, that meeting had a broader purpose: a war in
    which Lübeck and Danmark had fought side-by-side had ended two years
    previously, and there was another three years before the Lübeck 50
    year claim to Bornholm was to expire; although Lübeck claimed that it
    had been given a further 50 years. In this predicament it was wise
    for the King to establish locally situated allies; and Bornholm's
    influential free-men, who normally would have been snubbed by the
    King and the true nobility, were now in a position to receive
    benevolent treatment from the Danish government. At the
    "Frimandsmødet" held on September 6, 1572 there were 17 men named as
    being in attendance: the brothers Jens and Hans Madsen Kofoed, Peder
    Poulsen Kofoed, Oluf Bagge, Peder Uf, Peder Myre, Jørgen Gagge, also
    ten other men only listed by their father's name; and at which
    occassion three Danish Parlimentary advisers (Rigsråder) had been
    sent to preside over the meeting. The Kofoeds had no written proof
    of their free-men status; they were only able to give heartfelt and
    solemn words about faithful service. It seems they had an inkling of
    things to come, and therefore begged the King not to let himself be
    "seduced" by Lübeck's representative Sweder Ketting, "because you
    might expect that Lübeck only plotted to keep our island under their
    yoke." This is the first record in which we find the Kofoeds being
    mentioned as "frimænd". We know that they were related to Oluf Bagge
    and Peder Uf, and probably to several of the others. The question
    remains: did they already have claim to free-man status, or did they
    take advantage of the King's need for loyal followers - seeking
    acknowledgement of that status from their peers on Bornholm? It
    seems that they had to make certain commitments to the King in
    exchange for the full rights to free-man status. Two of the newly
    appointed free-men had an important mission to Lübeck the following
    year. On September 6, 1573 King Frederik 2. wrote a letter to Lübeck
    stating: "Our citizens, the brothers Peter and Jens Kofoth" have
    applied to Lübeck's government for verification of their vital
    statistics, so as, among other things, they are free to serve their
    King - who then requests the Lübeck council to give sympathetic
    consideration to their case and verify their births in Lübeck's
    records. We often find such vital statistics proofs attached to the
    documents in probate court cases, they were actually signed by the
    parish "Elders" before the church parish registers (kirkebøger) came
    into use. They were especially essential if disagreement arose among
    the heirs. In the Lübeck family registry for 1573 we find the
    following entry: Kofoedt, Matthias, dead before 1573 on Bornholm,
    his wife: Johanna; their children: Peter, Jens, Boel - married to
    Oluf Bagge; Anneke - married to Michael Abraham. The reason that the
    family is registered in Lübeck exactly in 1573 is of course the
    application the brothers made that same year for their vital
    statistics. According to Jørn Klindt's "På sporet af de første
    Kofod'er" it appears that Gunhild Uf and Mads Kofoed were already
    married by 1547. The Lübeck legal-registry of 1573 states that a
    woman named Johanne was Mads Kofoed's wife and mother to four of his
    children; so accordingly it is not absolutely certain who was the
    mother of which of Mads Kofoed's children. The fact that in 1573
    Johanne was stated as the mother of Mads Kofoed's children may be a
    reflection of their legal relationship, rather than blood ties. Nor
    is it known for a fact which wife came first: Gunhild Uf or Johanne
    Jensdatter Myre? The exact birth years of his children are not
    known, but they are all thought to have been born between 1540-50.
    Jørn Klindt further writes that more information about Mads Kofoed is
    surely there to be found in the archives of København, or in Gottorp
    and Potsdam - where the remnants of Lübeck's archives are now held.
    As mayor for Rønne township Mads Kofoed was an influential man on
    Bornholm, so it would be rather peculiar if there weren't more traces
    of him to be found. It could be that he is the same person as the
    Mads Kofoed known to have died during a sea-voyage to København in
    1552. Part of the difficulty in answering this question lies in the
    fact that one Lübeck entry states he died "before 1573" and another
    states "in 1573"; which is correct and which in error? Mr. Klindt
    asks the following questions: What was the case of the vital
    statistics about? Why was it that Hans Kofoed, who on Bornholm was
    considered to be Jens Kofoed's brother, did not appear on the 1573
    Lübeck registry as part of the family? But, of course, who will
    research this? Who has the ability, resources, inclination, and
    time? His son Jens Kofoed is known to have died in 1625, an old man
    around 80 years old. The same is said of Hans Kofoed who died in
    1623, and he is with greater certainty considered to be the son of
    Gunhild Uf, as he is not mentioned in the Lübeck registry of 1573 as
    a son of Johanna and Mads Kofoed. Hans Kofoed has been listed by
    Bornholm's first historian Rasmus Ravn (who lived from 1603-77) to be
    the brother of the Judge Jens Madsen Kofoed; that he was not listed
    in the Lübeck family registry of 1573 makes for a stronger case that
    he was in fact half-brother to Jens Madsen Kofoed. Further proof that
    the two men were brothers can be seen by the fact that Hans Kofoed's
    sons were made the heirs to Jens Madsen Kofoed's property. Chief
    Justice Jens Kofoed had no direct heirs at the time of his death, so
    the four sons of his brother Hans Kofoed, and a certain Albert Hansen
    - on account of his wife Karina Mikkelsdatter, were made heirs to his
    reportedly large fortune. For who else was there left in 1625 to
    inherit? His brother Peder had long since died, as well as his
    children. His sister Boel's children with Oluf Bagge had left the
    island. His sister Anneke had married a Michael/Mikkel Abraham, a
    common Bornholm name, and so a daughter from their marriage would
    have been known as "Mikkelsdatter", which leads us to Karina being
    Jens Kofoed's niece. Working from the facts as I know them leads me
    to the following two possible senarios: 1) That Johanne Jensdatter
    Myre was Mads Jensen Kofoed's first wife, they probably married
    around 1540; they had four children and before 1547 Johanne dies.
    Around 1547 Mads Kofoed marries Gunhild Uf - they have a son, Hans,
    born around 1547-50. 2) That Gunhild Uf was Mads Jensen Kofoed's
    first wife, they probably married around 1540; within a year of
    giving birth to Hans, around1542, Gunhild Uf died. Mads Kofoed then,
    around 1543, marries Johanne - with whom he had at least four
    children who lived to adulthood. The first senario is generally
    thought to be the most likely, but that is just a guess. The key to
    this question is: Were Gunhild Uf and Mads Jensen Kofoed married
    before or in 1547? In the land-registry testimony of Bornholm's Land-
    Register, dated May 22, 1522, is mentioned a P. Kofod as mayor of
    Rønne; but whether or not he was related to "Familien Koefoed A or B"
    is not known. (Høbertz, Documentation of Bornholm's History, p. 63)

    Mads blev gift med Gunhild Uf cirka 1547 i Bornholm. Gunhild (datter af Hans Olufsen Uf) blev født cirka 1525 i Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn; døde efter 1552 i Bornholm. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 25.  Gunhild Uf blev født cirka 1525 i Simblegård, Klemensker Sogn (datter af Hans Olufsen Uf); døde efter 1552 i Bornholm.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6738 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6826 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 14.8970 (Sommer)


    The parentage of Gunhild Uf is uncertain and disputed. She must have
    been born between 1500 and 1532. What seems to be agreed is that she is
    the descendant of Otte Pedersen Uf, the owner of Skovsholm in Ibsker
    parish. Some say she is his daughter's daughter (datterdatter). Other's
    that she is the daughter of his son Anders Uf, from Otte's first marriage
    to Kirsten Galen. It has also been suggested by Sigvard Mahler Dam that
    she is the daughter of Otte Pedersen Uf's grandson Hans Olufsen Uf
    (1510-1574); possibly because she gave her son with Mads Jensen Kofoed
    the name Hans - after her father?

    It is known that in 1547 Gunhild's husband Mads Jensen Kofoed represented
    her in a legal dispute with Mogens Uf (died 1565) concerning inherited
    property from the estate of the deceased Oluf Tuesen. This implies that
    there is a close relationship with Mogens Uf; some have suggested they
    are brother and sister, others that they are cousins. Considering that
    Oluf Tuesen died in 1500, it seems unlikely that Gunhild is his daughter
    - as she would have been approaching 50 at the time of the birth of her
    son, Hans Madsen Kofoed. Possibly she is the daughter of Oluf Tuesen's
    brother-in-law Oluf Ottesen Uf? Or, as Sigvard Mahler Dam has suggested,
    the daughter of Oluf's son Hans?

    * * * * *
    The following has been extracted from a translation of the article
    "Landet Borringholm: Bornholmsk-skånske slægtskredse", by Sigvard Mahler
    Dam, published in SAXO, 1986:

    After the murder of Mogens Ufs' father Oluf Tuesen, his widow
    (Margrethe?) went through hard times, but her brothers helped her prove
    to Commander van Haffn which of the farms were her own inheritance, and
    these were eventually given back to her. Her brothers helped with the
    management, but then a pivotal event took place, which later caused a
    devastating family feud over inheritance. Apparently Oluf Ottesen
    purchased some property from the widow, and in the later court case some
    letters and documents supposedly were proof thereof, but her son, Mogens
    Uf, maintained that the family had unlawfully confiscated said property.

    In 1547 Mogens Uf, still exiled from Bornholm, came to blows with his own
    family and took them to the highest court in the land:

    (In the original old Danish)
    "Mogens W til Odersbiergh citat hustru Gunildt, Mattis Kofoedt paa
    Bornholm med deres medarvinger for noget jordegods som de gør dem
    forhindring paa smst. efter Oluf Tuesens død smst."

    The case concerns Mogens Uf's inheritance from his mother, against
    Gunhild Uf, who must be a descendant of his mother's brother, Oluf
    Ottesen. Gunhild's husband, Mads Jensen Kofoed, sailed to København on
    behalf of his wife and her co-heirs (who were under-aged). Mads won the
    case and returned home able to keep the deeds to the farms contested by
    Mogens Uf. But in 1552 Mogens Uf is back again to haunt Gunhild's family

    (In the original old Danish)
    "Oluff Hansz paa sine egne og metarfvingers Otte Persz arfvinger vegne,
    beretter at Mogens W forfølger dem for noget jordegods og skifte, og de
    have forfulgt sagen og bragt den for Rigets Kantsker, og til den ende
    afsendt Mads Kofoedt med deres breve og beviser, men han er drunknet paa
    veien og Brevskaberne forkomne, hvorfor det paalægges landsdommeren Hans
    Reymer, at han er dem behjælpelig til endnu engang at faa beskrevet hvad
    der er gaaet for sig i sagen."

    "Mogens W" had sued Oluf Hansen and Otte Pedersen's heirs for some
    property and Mads Kofoed had again been sent to København with
    documents. Sadly, Mads drowned underway and the documents were lost.

    That same day the king sent a letter to his bailiff on Bornholm, Henning
    Gagge, requesting that he quickly settle the case between Mogens Uf and
    Otte Pedersen's heirs. It had become bothersome to the king, the very
    men he depended upon to resist the Lübeckers were about to destroy
    everything with their family feuding. How the court case ended is not
    known, but it seems that Mogens Uf lost again.

    This database researched and compiled by Norman Lee Madsen, Toronto,
    Ontario, copyright 1990-2002.

    1. 12. Hans Madsen Kofoed blev født cirka 1550 i Rønne; døde i 1623 i Prgd. Blykobbegård, Nyker Sogn.

  3. 26.  Claus Köller blev født cirka 1525 i Pommern, Tyskland (søn af Hans von Köller); døde efter 1586 i Bornholm.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6739 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6827 (Garde)

    Claus blev gift med Margrethe von Schinckel. Margrethe blev født cirka 1535 i Tyskland; døde i 1598 i Bornholm. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  4. 27.  Margrethe von Schinckel blev født cirka 1535 i Tyskland; døde i 1598 i Bornholm.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6682 (Garde)
    • Ane-nr.: Ane 13.6740 (Garde)



    1. Christen Clausen Kjøller blev født cirka 1555 i Bornholm; døde cirka 1628 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn.
    2. Hans Clausen Kjøller blev født cirka 1560 i Bornholm; døde i 13. sgd. Kølleregård, Ibsker Sogn.
    3. Jacob Clausen Kjøller blev født cirka 1565 i Bornholm; døde i 1632 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn.
    4. 13. xxx Clausdatter Kjøller blev født før 1566 i Prgd. Skovsholm, Ibsker Sogn.
    5. Kirsten Clausdatter Kjøller blev født i 1583 i Bornholm; døde i 1665 i Prgd. Store Myregård, Åker Sogn.